We left our travelers walking. The only way that we have walked thus far in Paris has been in the rain with our hoods up and head down. This can lead to moments of panic when you think the other travelers have left you. They were quite pleased to have walked, albeit not a direct route, to the Musee d’Orsay whose claim to fame is the collection of Impressionist masterpieces. But before the first museum pass usage, lunch! Lisa continues on with her plan to eat Onion Soup at least once every day and it was a chance to dry off.
At this point, we want to say that the Museum pass is awesome. We breezed past a long line and got to use a special door. Let us say again, “Awesome”. We wandered around and racked up the steps. We also saw a lot of paintings of some big women. We decided that they must also like croissants every morning. We did have one incident where one member exited the museum while the other two were people watching causing the immediate implementation of a meeting place and text message testing. They were also able to talk the guard into letting the lost member back in through the exit door. No small feat but they have learned to wave their arms while talking.
When we ALL exited TOGETHER the sun was shining but once there was no turning back a hard rain started. This caused the travelers to shelter under a bridge. After an extended wait, it was off to another museum. Get ready guys – wait for it. The Musee de l’Armee, one of the worlds’ greatest military museums. We did have another high anxiety moment when a traveler was missing a museum pass. (Someone must have seen us high fiving at the D’Orsay). After calming down the traveler and finding the pass in a purse pocket, they went in search of Napoleon’s tomb. It is hard to miss the tomb. One member left a red glove in memory but continues to wear the other as a tribute or because one warm hand is better than two cold ones. Then they decided there were some pretty cool looking armored horses and it was part of the pass so visited the military museum.
We completed our day by successfully riding the train back to the neighborhood. They were astounded to find a huge crowd of older men at the Bear’s Den bar. They walked through it twice on the way to dinner and noticed not a single female nor did that seem to be an issue. The group cleaned their plates and brought back dessert crepes in an effort to bulk up for the impressionist painters. Must important of all they were able to wrestle the door open with only two people participating instead of all three.