The week of August 28th, infused the group with youth. Jennifer and Mia joined us in Idaho. Unfortunately, the first couple of days were rainy so the group stayed around the resort. Everyone played Bingo, ping pong, went to a movie and Mia painted a ceramic frog bank. Mia successfully collected donations from other members of the party. They also celebrated Jennifer’s birthday with blueberry pie.
The group hiked around several lakes in Idaho with Jennifer and Mia. Mia proved quite the hiker and to the amazement of the original four she never seemed winded. How is this possible? Debbie and Larry insisted on several breaks for Mia’s sake. It would have made everyone happier if Jennifer would have stopped pointing out that Mia was okay. She and Jennifer hiked Tubb Hill in Coure D’Alene and visited the playground after the hike. It was a wonderful and exhausting playground. Debbie volunteered to watch for part of the time and must have circled the playground 20 times trying to keep up with Mia. Mia’s promised picnic was furnished and then more playground time with someone stationed at every corner.

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