2017-09-08 Travel Day

Today was a travel day and the group took two Ubers to the train station.  Joyce told them to meet by the restaurant that they visited when they got to Prague.  Debbie and Larry were going alone and Debbie was somewhat concerned.

Debbie:  “Well, okay but what if we get let out somewhere else?”

Joyce:  “There is only one entrance.  You can’t get lost.  (Wrong, Joyce – wrong).”

Debbie:  “I might get lost.”

Joyce:  “You can’t get lost”

Debbie:  “Well, Larry might get lost.  You know he just wanders away.”

Joyce:  “He can’t get lost”.

Thirty minutes after arriving at the train station, dragging bags around 3 floors, Debbie & Larry confessing to each other that they didn’t know where the restaurant was nor the name; they found the meeting place.  Joyce and Jerry were not yet at the meeting place because they too were dragging bags up and down the train station.  Joyce conceded that there was more than one entrance and one could get lost.  (Everyone’s hands were sweaty)

Next mission –  spend their Czech money before they left.  The exchange rate was 25 to 1 for Euro.  Joyce exchanged her money but suggested that they spend Debbie’s money.  (Debbie thinks this just doesn’t sound right)  Joyce went shopping and bought sodas for the train.  She still had money left which she gave to Debbie and Larry to spend in the same store and they just couldn’t do it.  (There was a line, the store just didn’t have the right food and their hands were still sweaty).  Debbie finally found a store and sauntered off to spend the money when Joyce shouted out that it was 15 minutes before the train left.  (Debbie says that this really did not help her concentration.  She felt like she was on one of those shopping shows where you have to spend the money and fill the basket in 60 seconds.)  Debbie ended up with some kind of mystery roll and 2 packages of Oreo’s.  She still had money left. (Okay, if you think you can do better, I’ll meet you at HEB with a couple of foreign dollars and a stop watch).

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The group arrived in Vienna and traveled to the flat to meet Philip, the owner.  (Debbie really liked Philip because he carried two bags at a time into the flat for them.  Debbie staggered off the train with just one so it was impressive.  She hopes that Philip will be available for carrying bags when she leaves.)

Once in the flat, a rotating shower schedule was developed since the bathroom situation was challenging.  The schedule approach has been fairly successful except Larry keeps try to put himself in position 1.  He can only remember that he should be in position one which is the head of the line. (Everyone else is working with him and now convinced him that he is position number 2).

That night, they ate at an Austrian restaurant, Wilder Mann, with  staff that spoke very little English.  Debbie continued the schnitzel quest across Europe.  Joyce had ribs and chicken.  She was inventive in clucking like a chicken to describe her meat selection which pleased the waitress immensely.  After the original clucking, the waitress clucked at Joyce each time that she came to the table.  (Debbie thinks the kitchen refers to Joyce as the Chicken Lady.) .

They are now residing in Vienna, Austria.




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