2017-09-15 Busy Day in Salzburg

The final day in Salzburg began with a bus trip.  The group was all settled in for a 30 minute ride when an early stop brought a sea of adolescents on the bus.  They were surrounded by junior high hormones, shouting, flirting and the smell of too much perfume/cologne.   The passengers were thumped with backpacks and bumped by teenagers cramming into the bus.  (Debbie was concerned that she would reek of cheap cologne when she got off the bus). It was overwhelming. Joyce was convinced that they were going to get off the bus at the group’s destination.  Luckily, when the four exited at Hellbrunn Palace, the teenagers did not.

History Moment – Hellbrunn Palace – The Prince-Archbishop Markus Sittikus decided he needed a lavish palace with a big garden for pleasure.  Old Markus was a real trickster and liked his trick fountains.

The four went on an English tour with a tour guide who was also a trickster.  Markus designed trick fountains to play jokes on his guests.  Our guide was considerate most of the time but Larry did see the guide turn a fountain on one guest that got the guest’s pants pretty wet.  The guest said some words that made the air turn blue and spent the rest of the visit far away from any potential dousing.  She also gave the guide an impressive stink eye (maybe even a Debbie level stinkeye).  After this incident, the guide was not quite so frisky with the water.   Just to be safe the group refused to stand in any wet spots while completing the tour. (12.50).

Joyce hustled everyone back on the city bus for a ride in the country to the Cable car Untersberg.   The car took them to the top of Mt. Untersberg which is 1853 meters above sea level.  (They have no idea how tall this really was as the whole feet / meter thing has no real reference but it provided some great views.  At the top, they ate probably the worst lunch that Debbie has had on the trip.  (Debbie has decided this was a sign not to stray from schnitzel.  After the meal, the four hiked a little further and then abandoned this idea when they realized that they were huddling behind a rock hiding from the wind.  (23.40 Euro for the cable car).
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Joyce suggested that they visit the zoo since they had tickets and it was on the way.  They went to the zoo and walked around until Joyce decided that they could make the boat tour (remember Les Cheap girls).  Zoo savings 11.50 and boat tour 15.00 Euro.  They rushed off for the boat ride.  At the end of the ride, the captain did a waltz with the boat.  (Debbie thought it was impressive but felt that there was too much rocking and rolling on the boat and the captain looked a little young.  Debbie is unsure that her boss knew about all of this turning and making some people turn green).

Total savings for the Salsburg Card 74.40 euro per person.   Les Cheap Girls Rule!!!  So what if they went to the zoo and took a waltzing boat ride… The group had ice cream to toast their savings and ate at a Chinese restaurant to make up for the lunch.

One thought on “2017-09-15 Busy Day in Salzburg”

  1. I saw that picnic table on tv a looong time ago. They explained that the guests couldn’t stand up from the table until the host stood up. They would have to sit with that water going in their behinds and on their nice clothes until the jokster felt bad. I would love this palace

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