2017-09-22 The Big Hike

Joyce was gradually increasing hiking levels in preparation for today’s big hike.  (Debbie says that technically no one explained this to her that things were going to get harder.)  They were hiking to Hollentalklamm and into a bigger and more robust gorge.  The hike was scheduled to take  2 hours one way through the ravine.  After the ravine, the group could, at their discretion, proceed to the Hollentalangerhutte (hut) for “spectacular views”.

The parking lot had lots of serious hikers.  (Our group didn’t fall into serious yet).  The four got ready and and headed out.  Just to be safe, Joyce paid for 8 hours parking.  (An extraordinary thing for a Les Cheap girl to do).  They did notice that only one other hiking group headed in their direction and the four were soon passed.  The group had a great time playing around, stopping at the benches and walking under the shady trees.  The only problem was that the trail continued to add switchbacks going steadily up.  They hiked on dirt trails, gravel trails and  roads.   They hiked through streams and forests.  They hiked over bridges, rocks, and roots.  All going up, up, up and all without seeing any other hikers.  Two hours later with much relief, they came to the beginning of the ravine.

Now you are thinking, these are experienced gorge people, they have been through one ravine not a problem for them.  Here is how the brochure describes the gorge. “A 150 meters deep gorge, a lot of waterfalls, huge rocks, and boulders, a narrow path and small bridges and tunnels invite you to an adventure.  What the brochure doesn’t tell you is that you will have a wet adventure.  (Jennifer, good news for you when you borrow Mom’s hiking boots – they are waterproof tested).  Your clothes will get wet, your backpack will get wet, water will dump on you and you can shake it off like a dog.  It is wetter in the tunnels than out of the tunnels.  (but of course you won’t understand that for a while).  Some of the tunnels are long and pitch black.  It was similar to playing blindman’s bluff but wet.  (If you never played Blindman’s bluff ask someone older about the game)  It was amazing but a wet amazing.  The group stumbled out at the other end after about  1 hour.

They immediately plopped down on the trail to eat lunch.  Larry said it was kind of like eating in the middle of the road.  Other  people continued to come out of the gorge with a dazed look shaking water off and walked around the four.

After lunch, Joyce brought up the spectacular views at the Hut.  Once the other three heard “Spectacular Views, they knew that they were going to the hut.  Joyce finds the words “Spectacular Views” irresistible.  ( The other three beg of you, don’t use those words describing anything to Joyce).  So off they went to the hut perhaps not as happily as 3 hours ago but nevertheless off again.  It was also uphill the whole dang way.  You will notice fewer pictures were taken on this portion.  After 1.5 hours, they reached the hut which served food and had a view.  Debbie sat down at the cafe and dared anyone to tell her that they were not eating there.  Everyone was properly supportive of the break.  Total time elapsed one way 4.5 hours.

By now it was 2:30 in the afternoon, so they decided that they needed to start back.  Back it was to the gorge and then down.  The group did discover a shorter path back to the car.  Unfortunately, they also discovered the Slip and Slide.  Thus began the contest of “Last Person Standing”.  As Jerry was leading the group down the clay and gravel road, he suddenly began to flail, went down, bounced and rolled across the road.   (We are not kidding here.  Debbie was gobsmacked with her mouth hanging open as Jerry rolled across the trail). Bam! first man down!

The other three started slipping and sliding but were able with their sticks to stay up.  Debbie decided to get off the road and make her way down through the grass.  Larry followed.  Suddenly, Larry went down and started shouting for Debbie to get out of the way as he was coming through.  Debbie stood there frozen, like a deer in the headlights, until Larry yelled that he couldn’t hold it anymore and was going to blow.  Miraculously, Debbie was able to dodge Larry as he slid by.  Bam!  Second Man down!

Debbie and Joyce were the only two still unscathed on the treacherous trail.  Debbie traversed over to a portion of the road with dirt steps held together by wooden frames.  Debbie announced to Joyce that these steps were just the thing to keep them standing.  As the words left Debbie’s lips, she began to  slowly and oh so gracefully to slide down until her butt was sitting on the wooden frames.  Bam! Third person down.  Joyce won the game of “Last Person Standing” as she ever so slowly crept down the trail.  The group was happy to report that none of the  three suffered any injuries except to their pride.  Jerry was awarded the most spectacular fall, Larry most considerate fall and Debbie most graceful fall.

The rest of the descent was uneventful.  Total descent time 2 hours 45 minutes.  They think that they now qualify as “Serious Hikers”.

9 thoughts on “2017-09-22 The Big Hike”

  1. I’ve been following the journey eagerly reliving my time in 80s Germany and last year hook up after Greece. Smiling about getting car, as I was not aware JJ were trekking with trains. I got rental car for our trip in Rhine and we drove to different places..thank god!

    Not knowing what the entire itinerary is, was gonna suggest back in Salzburg blog, a ride thru the salt mines, but after reading of increased level hiking trips in Alps, never mind. I knew Joyce and Jerry in Rhine Valley were into castles, cathedrals and trails, but this year travels with Debbie and Larry, a new level for me. If and when u get back to Rhine Valley, piece of cake for sure. And speaking of cake…love your descriptions and pics. Agree Debbie..cannot go wrong with schnitzel! Love the pics…and comments. Keep em coming! Aloha. Yippie

    1. Joyce often brings up how wonderful it was to have Yippie in the car and to travel with someone that knew where she was going. I am trying to get back on the schnitzel wagon. We appreciate the comments.

  2. While hiking the Narrows in Zion, I used hydro lace boots and neoprene socks – made for a quite comfortable journey as I waded thigh-deep through some stretches. Sounds like you could have used these!

    Love this hiking adventure, looks rewarding, and made me laugh!

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