Volcano National Park

February 8th – Volcano National Park

The day began with a trip to Hawaii Volcano National Park via Saddle Road.  Tourist Moment: (We didn’t know what to call this).  Route 200, the Daniel K. Inouye Highway, also called Saddle Road, bisects Hawaii’s largest island, cutting over the raised slopes (the saddle) between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. The moderately-trafficked, often two-lane road is the fastest route between Kailua-Kona and Hilo and leads to observatory access atop both mountains. (Not going there – it is snowing).

As the group exited the car at the national park, it was raining and they discovered that the temperature had dropped.  Everyone had brought umbrellas but Larry and Debbie packed their umbrellas.  (Note to self:  Bring an umbrella and store in a place that does not require crouching in the trunk upending your luggage.)  So much for picnicking in the park.  Luckily, Le Cheap girls, were able to find the Kilauea Military Camp Café.  Yep, they ate in the military camp café.  (What a deal!).  They have a post office, store, and a bowling alley.  (Our author is digressing).

At this point, Debbie would like to comment on the dress code for Hawaii.  There does not seem to be one.  This can be problematic for someone like Debbie who teeters on the line of being a contestant on “What Not To Wear”.  (Debbie is thankful that no one has  turned her into that show).  She has seen people wearing the following:

  • Stripes with Plaids (Debbie fears that as she ages that one day she may exit the house wearing these)
  • Women wearing platform heels as they hike over lave (A jaw-dropping sight)
  • People who just seem to put on layers of clothes none of which goes with the other (Plaid pants, pink dress topped with a green turtle T-shirt and no they are not homeless)
  • Boxers and a Hawaiian shirt worn to the KMZ Cafe to stand around and shoot the breeze with friends while waiting for food. (Our personal favorite but extremely distracting to our diners).

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Debbie says that now the bar has been lowered.  Larry has started checking Debbie’s  dress before she goes out.  Those stripes and plaids are starting to look attractive.

The original plan was to spend the night and hike to the lava flow.  However, no one was up for a 3-hour hike in the rain so decided to explore the park in more detail than planned.  First stop, the Jager Museum.  Tourist Moment:  The overlook outside of the museum offers a panoramic view of Kīlauea Caldera.  (Debbie says that you can see the smoke and people actually walk down there.  She puts those people in the NSS category.)

Next stop was the Thurston Lava Tube. Unfortunately, no parking, so they hiked a mile back and forth since they weren’t  hiking that night.  By the end of the day, everyone had walked close to 5 miles.

Kona Travels

Feb 6 – Kona

Everyone has heard of Kona coffee.   Food Moment:  Kona coffee is cultivated on the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa in the North and South Kona Districts of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. The weather of sunny mornings, cloud or rain in the afternoon, little wind, and mild nights combined with porous, mineral-rich volcanic soil create favorable coffee growing conditions. .

Greenwell Farms was the lucky farm where the four took their coffee tour.  They have 65,000 plus coffee trees.  The farm also grows various fruits.  Larry kept eyeing the papaya tress to determine if he could climb the tree.  (Debbie said “No”).  They discovered that avocados grow on trees.  (Who knew?) Kona coffee according to our guide is known around the world.  The Hawaiians are very proud of this coffee and sell it for around $32.00 a pound.  Greenwell Farms sells the beans to other companies for roasting.  Seattle’s Best, Caribou and Pete’s are some of the Greenwell customers.  (These names mean nothing to Debbie).

After the coffee tour where fruit was bought but nothing else, the group was ready for lunch at the Place of Refuge.  History Moment:  In old Hawaii, if you had broken a law, the penalty was death.  Laws, or kapu, governed every aspect of Hawaiian society. The penalty for breaking these laws was certain death. Your only option for survival was to elude your pursuers and reach the nearest pu’uhonua, or place of refuge.  There is a road in the back of the park with picnic tables and few people.

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The final stop for the day was South Point.  History Moment: This is the southernmost point in Hawaii and thus the US. (No, you unbelievers, it is not Key West.  This a lucky day.  Three history moments in one blog).  Debbie says that you get to South Point down a bumpy, mostly one lane road that can make a person with motion sickness turn green.   If you are feeling slightly nauseous when you stagger out of the car, don’t worry.  The wind will knock it out of you once you exit the car.  Potential Adventure Moment:  There is a place where you can jump off the cliffs into the water below.  Debbie has jumped off cliffs before but as she staggered out to the boat pulley to look down (holding on as tight as possible to the pole) only to receive a mouthful of sand and sea water.  When she looked down, she thought one has to be “Not Super Smart (NSS)” to consider this an adventure.   She then turned around and saw a wet NSS person standing next to her.  (No one that the group knew).  Debbie told Larry that if he was thinking about jumping to remind her the location of the insurance policies.  She would immediately go home, sit in the cars, eat, spread crumbs everywhere and then sell all the dirty cars.  To save the cars, Larry did not jump.  (Debbie just made up the part about Larry jumping, we all know that he would only go if pushed).

He and Jerry did, however, stand next to a blow hole where one can also time the waves and jump into the water.  Debbie refused to get within 20 feet of the edge.  Larry and Jerry kept creeping close to the edge.  (Notice no pictures of Joyce or Debbie near the blow holes)  Larry did discuss with the NSS person about jumping from the blowhole ledge.  Larry was never going to go but would have taken pictures.  Luckily, NSS person,  did smarten up and climbed off the ledge.

The Fruit Stand


Hawaii grows a lot of fruFruit Stand – Konait.  Fruit stands are everywhere.  It looks like people grow fruit in their yard and have so many that they sell the excess.  Sometimes, the stands are staffed and sometimes just the fruit in a stand with a box for the money.  Most stands have little signs with prices that vary from .25 cents to $1.00 or just write the price on the fruit with a magic marker.  The stands sell things like papayas, apple bananas, bananas, star fruit, oranges, avocados, star fruit and red fuzzy fruit (more on this later).

Sometimes, there are some interesting customers at the fruit stands.  For some unknown reason, these people seem to like to speak to Joyce and Debbie.  They approach Joyce first (Debbie thinks that is because Joyce knows the name of the fruit and is talkative.  Debbie is clueless about fruit.  Debbie, however, is always able to find the money box and prices.  Larry and Jerry don’t get out of the car.)

Here is a sample exchange between Joyce, Debbie and let’s call her, Sally as the three are standing on the side of the road at a fruit stand.

Sally: “You have to be careful with fruit like oranges because they pick up the exhaust fumes and absorb it into the skin of the oranges. I am always cautious about the exhaust fumes.”

Now this last statement made Debbie scratch her head as she wondered why oh why is Sally at the fruit stand by the road buying fruit?  She even wonders more about why Sally’s car is pulled up next to the fruit stand and the motor running?  Maybe Sally is not really that careful.  At this point, Joyce begins creeping away and puts Debbie into play.  (Debbie is not pleased that she must now use her social skills)

Sally: “What is that red fuzzy fruit?”

Debbie: “I don’t know.”  (Debbie is lucky she knows what a banana is)

Sally: “That fruit has special powers”.
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Debbie: “What?”  (Debbie – What is happening?  Next Sally may whip out some crystals or something)

Sally: “If you eat this and your partner eats, how do I describe?”

Debbie: “What?  Communicate better / Speak better?”

Sally: “I am 63 and I may be able to have children after eating this fruit.  My boyfriend is sitting in the car (the running car).  We both eat it and it is an aphrodisiac.

At this point, Debbie has started to back away from Sally as she feels this is too much information for her.  Joyce is already hiding on the other side of the fruit stand.  Sally gives up her pursuit of the rambutan (Red starry fruit) and hops in the running car with her boyfriend to speed away.  (Is .25 cents too much?) As the group pulls away, another car pulls up, rolls down the window and says “Can I ask you a question?”  Debbie tells Joyce to floor it.

Debbie looked up the fruit which is called rambutan.  Food Moment:  The Rambutan is a hearty looking piece of fruit and is comparable to the size of a golf ball. Its outer skin is red with soft yellowish & neon green prickly pokers all around it. The flesh is white with a big ole seed in the middle. The rambutan has a sweet creamy rich flowery taste and is very refreshing.

Sally’s information was incorrect.  Debbie will no longer get out of the car at a fruit stand.

Larry & Joyce at a fruit stand. Debbie is hiding in the car.
Larry & Joyce at a fruit stand. Debbie is hiding in the car.

A Walk in the Clouds (Not)

Feb 5 – Kona

The group started the hiking expedition with a visit to Costco to purchase the all-important Maui Chips in bulk.  Food Moment:  Maui Style potato chips provide a sweet unique onion flavor on extra crunchy kettle cooked potato chips.  Debbie eats these like a machine and had already plowed through one giant bag.  This chips are only found in Hawaii.  They bought three of the largest bags available.  Debbie insisted on personally marching the chips to the car.  She was able to multi task and chase the roaming chickens away while carrying chips.

The hikers continued on to one of the few Kona hikes, the Makahi Trail also known as a cloud forest hike.  It is not a very long hike and had an elevation of more than 3,000 feet.  The lush rain forest is often covered by clouds.  There are lots of greenery, rocks and roots so a hiker must watch where they put their feet.   There were no clouds that day – just lots of sun and sweating tourists.  It was a beautiful hike.


February 4, 2017 -Kohala Coast Big Island

Lapakahi Park was the first destination of a busy day.   History Moment:  Lapakahi State Historical Park is a large area of ruins from an ancient Hawaiian fishing village in North Kohala. Visitors can learn about traditional Hawaiian culture through the partially restored remains of this ancient Hawaiian coastal settlement.  The park overlooks the sea.

The guests of the park walks from station to station.  As the group was walking (actually some people were sitting) through the park, Joyce spied a whale and shouted out. “Whale, Whale!”

Larry:  “I see it! I see it!!”

Joyce: “It is breeching” (Really, what is that?)

Jerry:” There is another one”.

Larry: “See it, Debbie?  See it at 11 o’clock?”

Debbie: “Uh, no” Followed by pointing and waving hands from everyone else.

Joyce: “See the tail”

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Larry: “See the spout?”

Debbie:  “Oh that water spout and little dark thing way, way out there?”

Larry, Jerry (well maybe not Jerry), Joyce jumping up and down.  “Yes, yes”!

Debbie proceeded through the historic park keeping an eye out for whales.  It was impressive but small.  Debbie just thought they were going to be much closer and bigger whales.

The next stop was further down the coast.  This place was for dedicated whale watchers.  Debbie says that this group was hard core.  They had chairs, binoculars, food, and huge cameras.  It seemed as soon as Debbie left the whales did something spectacular causing oohs and aahhs.  Debbie can now spot a whale but is not sure that she was ready for the “show” (professional whale watcher group).  She snuck behind a tree to take pictures with her phone.  Larry took lots of pictures but had little success.  Larry said that it was because the whale was too large for his camera.  Debbie thinks that he is making it up.

On the way home, Jerry made one of Debbie’s favorite stops.  Anueue Ice Cream and Shaved Ice in Waimea.    The order was Mango and Orange Passion Fruit shaved ice with macadamia ice cream with snow on top.  (Debbie can talk the lingo – coconut milk on top.)  Debbie and Larry got the same thing because they declined to share.

Shaved ice is not defined in Google so Debbie volunteered a definition.  It is a dessert that one gets when you go whale watching.  (This explains the large number of fanatical whale watchers).  It is in a spiffy cup with bright colors and may be difficult to eat without spilling on one’s clothes.  She looks forward to more whale sightings and is planning her next shaved ice selection as she washes her clothes.

Chinese New Year

Feb 3, 2017 – Big Island

What better place to be for the Chinese New Year, Year of the Rooster?  Chickens run wild in Hawaii much to Joyce’s concern.  Chickens are not as bad on the Big Island as it is in Kauai.  However, it is bad enough to send Joyce scurrying to the car at the sight of a chicken.  (Debbie can also do a fine chicken sound which can also send Joyce running for the car).

After the snorkeling adventure, the group decided to visit a shopping center that had Chinese New Year’s entertainment and (wait for it) free food.  Les Cheap girls rejoice!  All the restaurants were giving out free samples.  It is unclear what is happening to Debbie.  On vacation, she becomes an adventurous eater.  She stood in line twice for crispy pork belly and tried almost all the samples. This is the woman who won’t eat food based on the way it looks.  (Green colored tortillas – really, it is not natural).  She did draw the line at some artichoke and kale dish. Raw tomatoes and green health drinks are still out.
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Joyce and Debbie stood for 30 minutes learning about the Chinese lion dance.  Cultural Moment:  the lion dance has been part of the Chinese culture for thousands of years and is performed on auspicious occasions such as weddings, store openings, and various festivals and celebrations. The lion, a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune, chases away evil spirits and brings happiness, longevity, and good luck.  Two people perform the Lion dance.   Joyce and Debbie also discovered at these auspicious events that one feeds the lion with dollar bills.    The more money that you feed the lion, the higher his head jumps up.  Debbie did hear Joyce mumbling about feeding the lion and chickens disappearing.  There does seem to be less chickens following the group.


2/3/2017 Makaiwa Bay, Big Island

We spent our first day checking out the beaches for snorkeling the next day.  It has been at least 10 years since Debbie and Larry have snorkeled.  Larry had been researching and testing snorkeling equipment for the last few weeks so they were well equipped.

The next day was our first snorkeling adventure.  After about a 15 minute hike through lava fields, they arrived at Makaiwa Bay (Mauna Lani)   As stated, Larry and Debbie were well equipped but not confident especially in a bay where one could swim out to sea.  (Who are we kidding?  They couldn’t swim that far more like floating out to sea.  This is a bay for kids so how dangerous is it really?  Although Joyce did admit it was the roughest that she had seen since arriving in January.)

Once Debbie made an ungraceful entrance into the surf (somewhat like a dog chasing its tail finally falling face down into the water).   Here’s a tip:  Don’t sit down to put on flippers because it is hard to get up and turn around.  Debbie did leave Larry sitting in the sand until he finally clawed his way out.

Joyce and Jerry had already proceeded far out and were trying to tempt Debbie and Larry further out with sightings of fish.  They were successful with Debbie but Larry turned his back on them and snorkeled back toward shore when the water got too deep.  Debbie continued to be lured further out with Larry turning back to keep Debbie between him and the open sea.  (Not sure that Debbie could drag Larry back if she tried).

Debbie was excited because she started to see fish.  However, the group is not particularly sophisticated in their snorkeling report.  Here is a sample snorkeling report:

Debbie: “Well, I saw one of those yellow fishes and then I saw more of them.  Plus, I saw one that was yellow but different”.

Larry: “Yes, I saw that one too with the long nose and I saw the rainbow fish”.  (There is no such thing as a rainbow fish).

Joyce: “I saw schools of the yellow fish”.

Jerry: “I saw a bunch of different yellow fish”.

Debbie: “I saw a bunch of black fish”.

Larry: “I saw the Hmmmahhmm whatever fish …..  (National fish of Hawaii and is the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa fish)

Others: “Yes, we did too, it is the rainbow fish (It is not). “

Debbie broke down and bought a Hawaiian Reef Fish guide.  Here is what we really saw:

  • Yellow Tang Surgeonfish
  • Reef Triggerfish (Humuhumu nukunuku apuaa)
  • Moorish Idol
  • Picasso Triggerfish
  • Parrotfish
  • Some kind of black fish

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Did we mention that Larry forgot to wear sun tan lotion and has a red band of courage on his neck?

The way to open sea for snorkelers
The way to open sea for snorkelers


February 2, 2017 – Paniolo Greens – Big Island, Hawaii

As they landed, Debbie had a moment of panic that no one would be there to pick them up.  Larry and Debbie were relieved and happy to see Joyce and Jerry waiting at the airport with the added benefit that the luggage also made it to Kona.

They are staying in the Waikoloa Village area on the Big Island (Hawaii).  It is an area surrounded with lava fields and not the lush green that one might expect.  The sun always shines with little rain.  Their bedroom overlooks the golf course and they awaken to the sound of turkeys gobbling in the morning.

What?  Yes, you read correctly.  History Moment: (Go on admit it.  You missed these moments.  These conversational starters for the introverts). There are turkeys in Hawaii.  Someone in the 1960’s had the bright idea to release 400 Texas turkeys on the islands.  There are now approximately 16,000 turkeys on the islands.  They have thrived on the Big Island because of the high, dry climate.  The plan was to have game birds that one can hunt on the island.  However, the plan seems to have gone awry.  There are several turkeys who grace the resort with their presence.   They like to puff up and prance around under Debbie and Larry’s window.   Larry has started gobbling out the window at them much to the surprise of some of the golfers.  Joyce does not like birds.  If the turkeys are standing around where the car is parked, this can cause Joyce to exit the car like a rocket in a dash to the door.   Debbie is convinced the turkeys are stalking Joyce.   Debbie has offered to charge the turkeys for her. (A turkey fight would be an amazing blog).

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The Sprint

02-01-2017  San Francisco

Larry and Debbie arrived in Denver with plenty of time for the next flight. They leisurely strolled down to the gate to find the flight has been delayed for 12 minutes. The time between the arrival in San Francisco and the departure in Kona is 50 minutes.  This already concerned Debbie as she firmly believes in an hour or longer between flights and likes to throw out the term “Legal Connection” .  She has researched “Legal Connection” extensively and found there is no such thing and  connections are at the discretion of the airport.   On Tuesday, Debbie broke down and upgraded to premium so that Larry and Debbie sat closer to the front behind business class.  (Where Debbie rightly belongs).

Debbie tries to keep her cool and only twitches a couple of times.   Then 12 turns into 25 minutes.   The plane loads in the 28-degree weather (Larry concedes that he might reconsider his wardrobe as the only other shorts wearer was laying on the airport floor for some unexplained reason).  After loading the plane needed to be deiced -more waiting.   The flight to Kona was scheduled to leave at 5:15 with last boarding time of 5:00.  So, they sit and Debbie may have started rocking in her seat.  Shortly after takeoff, the pilot announces that they will be landing at 5:00.  Yes, 5 o’clock.

Debbie asks if the flight attendant if they will delay if they know you are on a flight a few minutes late?  Here is what Debbie discovered.  When one flies in coach, the answer is no.  When one is in premium (Debbie and Larry’s seats), the answer is “Oh, I am so sorry maybe the Kona flight will be late but no”.  In business class, where Debbie rightly belongs, is “We will try our very best – let me help you out the door first”.  Today’s overall answer was “No”.

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Debbie ran up to the gate and pointed to Larry following behind at a nice trot that they were both on the plane. Debbie was prepared to lay down and block the door closing until Larry showed up but this was not necessary.  They rushed on the plane and high fived each other.

It was somewhat anti-climactic to discover that the plane was waiting for 20 more passengers.  Debbie and Larry were 45 minutes late leaving San Francisco.  They were however pleased to be the first and second passengers of the 20 to arrive.


We’re Baaaack!

02-01-2017 Denver Airport

Yes, Debbie and Larry are back traveling and blogging again.  This time a trip to Hawaii, the Big Island!  They will be joining Jerry and Joyce for tropical fun.  Debbie wants to set expectations that they will be few if any swimsuit shots especially if she is the photographer.   If Larry does not behave appropriately on the trip, there will be shots of him probably not from the best angle.   There will be plenty of comments on island life and their adventures.

Debbie and Larry are currently sitting in the Denver airport.  Larry is getting strange looks because he has on his shorts in 28-degree weather.  Debbie is the only one that will sit with him and is getting sympathetic looks from other passengers.  Larry is eating warm chicken noodle soup while Debbie is eating chocolate chip cookies.   Who has their priorities right?

Debbie and Larry did run into an interesting experience at the Houston airport.  One of those carts drove up next to them and asked if they needed a ride?  They declined but discussed whether they looked that old or that lost.  The decision was “No, that could not be the old choice.  It must be that they look lost  (Debbie says that it is Larry that looks lost as he is trying to fact check her instructions and he needs to just do everything that she says).”

It’s a vital method order viagra levitra to solve sexual dysfunction. Each of these chakras is responsible for different parts of the body and is useful to those men with erectile dysfunction. cialis discount india can increase blood flow particularly in the groin area. Therefore, they remained untreated with an order cialis without prescription unsatisfactory life. After the intake of Generic Cilais people face a good flow of blood to the male reproductive organ, navigate here viagra wholesale heart, brain and legs. At the United Club, Debbie had an Ego-busting event.  She ran into someone that she had worked with who asked if she was retired or something as he hadn’t seen her around much?  (It is coming up on a year).   Debbie consoled herself by eating a muffin and shouting as he left “I’m going to Hawaii for a month!”

When the two proceeded to the gate for boarding, another car u-turned to offer them another ride.  Larry graciously said “No, we are fine!”.  Debbie stomped down the hall and tried to fast walk past the cart.     Larry and Debbie came to the conclusion that these were Super Bowl carts looking for any available passengers.  Houston rolling out the red carpet.

Debbie and Larry are happy to report that no one in Denver has offered them a ride yet (Debbie thinks the shorts may be a factor).  San Francisco next stop on the cart test.

PS.  Questions will not be entertained about why Debbie and Larry are in Denver on the way to Hawaii.