The group awakened with a mission to get value from their card. After a difficult start by getting on the bus going the wrong way, (must have been Debbie’s fault), they set off for the Hohensalzburg Fortress via Monchsberg Aufzug Lift. (2.30 Euro). Joyce was under the impression that this was a glass elevator with views over the city which delivered the passengers to foot of the fortress. This was an incorrect impression on several points. It t was just a closed elevator – no views and it stopped part way up the hill but no where close to the top.
Thus began the walk to the top. The group was not close to the top. They wandered with some school kids for a while, took some pictures, rested, complained, and finally reached the top. History Moment: The Hohensalzburg Fortress was started in 1077 as a show of force and to protect the salt mines. Through 1810, the archbishops kept expanding the fort. The tour also included a walk to the top of the fortress. (More climbing). Also included in the tour (12 Euro) were the following:
- The fortress museum – History of the fortress
- Top of the fortress
- Regency Rooms – Those archbishops lived well
- Rainer Regiment Museum – preserving the history and memory of Salzburg’s former home regiment, the Imperial Austro-Hungarian Infantry Regiment “Archduke Rainer” No. 59.
- Marionette Exhibit (Too creepy for Debbie – she has no pictures)
- Funicular ride (both ways)
The group rode the Funicular down (Debbie knows that when she hears the word funicular that it will involve a fee and walking straight uphill if you don’t pay. She wonders why they did not take the funicular up to the top of the fortress and then walk down?)
Joyce’s response was “I don’t want to talk about it. You got to ride the lift and meet German high school students.”)
After all the hard work in the morning, the group sat down on a scenic balcony to enjoy lunch and the view below. Then the wind started to blow, the sun went behind the clouds, the napkins blew off the table and it got cold. Everyone chose to move inside instead of sitting under blankets. The meal was one of the best that the group has had thus the pictures.
The afternoon was a visit to Domquartier Salzburg. This is basically a bunch of museums combined into one. It includes St. Peter’s (with 5 organs), palace rooms and a bunch of other things. Cost 12 Euro. The group did have an incident. Everyone had put their stuff in a locker to go into the Domquartier. They followed the tour with their audio guide up, over and around the building. They came to a large room where the guards took away their guides and started locking up. The problem was that the group was in a different building and they couldn’t figure out how to get back to the locker. The guards kept telling them that they came in through the church which they did not really remember. (Hmmm, an older group forgetting where they came in?) Debbie was not as concerned as the other because Little Miss Paranoid had kept her purse with her. Debbie convinced the other 3 that they might have come in through the church. Soooo, out they went through the rain and cold (people had deposited their coats in the locker) to find the entrance. They bonded with the entry lady who gave them guides again and let them back in. (Debbie felt certain that her new friend was going to scold the other guards severely for kicking them out.)
Next stop – the Christmas museum. It was a nice stop. (6 Euro) It was raining and they had the City card so they proceeded to the Salzburg Museum (8.50 Euro). Another museum about Salzburg. (Debbie has to be honest – all these museums were starting to run together).
Total through Day Two 68.90 Euro. They had surpassed the Salzburg City Card value and still one day to go! Les Cheap Girls Rock!