2018-08-29 Gothenburg

The group awoke  a little sad as they found out the night before that one of the Norway travelers, Erika, would not be able to go with them.  They started the day with a bus ride.

They arrived downtown before most things opened.  They visited the Tradgards-Foreningen (gardens with a greenhouse).  The greenhouse was full of plants that grew in Houston so Debbie and Larry weren’t super impressed.  They continued on to the market and a walk through downtown.

Then they found the Maritiman Museum.   It is a floating museum of 18 different types of ships.  The ships are in varying states of repair.  (None of them really good repair).   When this museum was created, these four are probably not the demographics that the museum had in mind.   Their favorite ships were the destroyer (1962) and the submarine (1961).  The museum allows visitors to climb all over the ships.  Many of the places would not be allowed in the US due to lawsuits.   There was some doubt as to whether some of the group would be able to climb back out of the submarine once they had gotten down the ladder. (There has been a lot of bread eaten on the trip.)   There might have been some tense moments on getting out.  Debbie refused to stand under anyone while they were climbing as she felt that a well placed fall could take out the entire group.

They stopped by the fish market, old town and a church on the way out.  They were going to walk up an overlook until they saw it was an excessive number of steps straight up and felt that they had done enough climbing on the ships.

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2 thoughts on “2018-08-29 Gothenburg”

  1. Interesting floating ship museum…. the submarine looks cool! And you do look stylish mom! I especially like your purple jacket.

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