Those that know Debbie and Larry well, know that sometimes they go on quests. A quest can be defined as the following: a long or arduous search for something. They have quested for hats in Paris with Don and Greg. Some of their quests are epic. This was the day of quests perhaps not epic but a day to find things. They began early adding Jerry to the group.
The first quest was a parking garage. They had the address of a garage. They circled, surrounded, sat on top of and finally with great trepidation went into the mouth of the dragon. So what if it has over 200 empty parking spaces? I was still intimidating. Remember Sweden and the two parking tickets? Eventually, they parked and made it to the street.
Now the quest for the locations on Debbie’s list. Just saying it is easy to get turned around underground in a parking garage. Street names are really long in Norwegian. The names seem sort of angry looking. The little group and Google maps eventually got to the street. They zig-zagged and back tracked down the street, finally breaking down and asking for directions. The man felt somewhat responsible for them and would yell across the street at them if they started going the wrong way. Finally they found the wharf and other tourists. They hurried to a Starbucks for a taste of home and to regroup out of the rain.
Debbie was elated when she found Hakon’s Hall. Truthfully, she thought that she had found something else but she managed to lead the other two by the wharf for ship pictures and around through the back sbut she had accomplished a quest. Historic Moment: Hakon’s Hall is 750 years old and at that time it was built Bergen was Norway’s largest and most important town. Hakon’s Hall was the site of major national events, such as the drawing up of Norway’s first complete set of laws. Okay, Debbie’s interpretation is the following. This hall got blown up and burned a few times so it technically is not 750 years old. It looks like a banquet hall now and they let you sit down at the table so pretty sure stuff is not 750 years old.
They next began the quest for Rosenkrantz Tower. Debbie’s Historic Moment: A really old tower from medieval times. It got blown up accidentally on Hitler’s birthday by more than 1000 tons of dynamite. So again, technically this is not the original tower. This turned out to be a more difficult quest than might be thought even though it was beside Hakon’s Hall. The building is wrapped in blue plastic. Would you look for a pink plastic tower? – no, probably not. Eventually, the three lined up to get into the tower.
Debbie quickly discovered that “Safety First” is not the motto of Rosenkrantz Tower. The railings are rope with give of about 6 inches which can be a surprise if expecting an immovable railing. The stairs spiral up with surprise rooms. The stairs are narrow and spiraling where you constantly pass others going up or down. (Really, passing on a spiral stair case? Three points of contact on stairs at all time – Safety first). Debbie walked into the bathroom at one point thinking it was an historic room. She was in such a hurry to get out that she knocked her head. Larry also had a head knocking incident with the same bathroom. Once the top was reached after about 30 to 45 minutes of ambling around, they found a sign that indicated there were two stairways – one for up and one for down. Surprised them- maybe this should be listed at the bottom of the stairs and not the top. No one else was adhering to the rules, so they too went down the up stairway. Debbie shouted “Yes!” as they found the exit doorway causing the staff to burst out laughing.
After the escape from the tower, they quickly found a place to eat. The trio walked through the old shopping district, fish market and the wharf. They began the final quest to get the car out of the parking garage. Jerry led them to the ticket machine and they paid (at least they think they did). They found the car and watched other cars exit to get the process down. Unfortunately, when they went to exit, the “inappropriate word “ticket did not work. They built up a line until the person behind them got out of the car to help. She pressed the button and explained that the ticket was paid. Suddenly, the gate went up. Applause all around.
There are two theories as to what happened. 1). They didn’t really pay the ticket but just thought they did 2). They took more than 10 minutes to get out of the garage. Being a tourist can be a humbling experience.
The buildings are awesome! I can just imagine how all these conversations are going during this trip especially at the garage machine.
Yes, there are a lot of suggestions that people go and ask other people.
The housss are so cute!! I like all the colors! But what with their stair on the Christmas building. That does not look safe. We want you back in America with all joints fully functioning and intact.
I too want to cine back with everything functioning.