2018-09-11 Meling Move

Today the group traveled from Bergen to Meling. Meling is so remote that it  doesn’t even appear on Eric/Thor’s GPS . The group navigated to do Jorpsland and then followed handwritten instructions (the way everyone did before the arrival of electronics).   The trip went well although it rained the entire way.

Debbie made everyone pack a lunch (They were not super excited by this but they were traveling with a car full of food.)  As a treat, that stopped at a Shell (a favorite stop).    Debbie discovered a new type of Sprite at the Shell.  She decided that it must have been translated incorrectly.  Who would put cucumber juice in their diet Sprite?  Yes, she was positive there was no cucumber juice in the Sprite.   Turns out she was wrong.   As they set in the car at the Shell station eating lunch in the rain, they decided not to take the scenic route since the weather was so bad.  The non-scenic route had a dozen tunnels and three surprise ferrys.  (Surprise ferrys are when the road suddenly ends at the ferry line).

At the first ferry, Larry with Eric’s help somehow bypassed the ferry payment shack and drove on the boat.  As they were paying inside, Debbie asked how one normally paid (She worries excessively over these things).  The guy replied that you stop at the payment hut and pay.  BOOM!  There were no more issues with the payment of the other two ferry rides.

The new accommodations were a farm house built in the 1920s and expanded in the late 1940s. It is by far the nicest place that they have stayed this trip or last. The farmhouse can sleep at least 12. There are sheep in front of the house and fresh eggs from the farm were waiting for them in the refrigerator. Some of the rooms overlook a lake. It is a lovely and peaceful setting.  Who needs an alarm clock with a rooster that crows in the morning?

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