The day began with rain. (Sound familiar?) When the rain let up, the group decided to visit Belfast castle which was close to the flat and drivable (no nervous breakdowns over the wrong side of the road and plenty of free parking. Remember those pesky parking tickets.)
Debbie thought a castle would be historic and interesting. Maybe the Outlander would be there? Debbie’s expectations were not quite met. There was a castle there in the 11th century and then a newer one built in the 12th century. Then the castle burned down. Hmmmm. So, they waited awhile to rebuild (about 600 years since the Belfast castle seems to have bad luck). The castle was rebuilt in a deer park and finally given to the city.
According to legend, Belfast Castle is safe as long as there is a (preferably white) cat residing there. (Guess the ones that burned down didn’t know about this cat thing). This myth led to the creation of the “Cat Garden” right next to the stately pile on the slopes of Cave Hill. The garden is supposed to have 9 cats. Debbie always up for a challenge ran around counting cats. She managed to involve Larry in the hunt but they only found 8.
The castle and cats are now a big wedding venue. Debbie and Joyce pranced down the back stair case. and think that they made a spectacular entrance to the cat garden leading into their hike. Unfortunately, it began to rain during the hike putting an end to spectacular entrances and the cat hunt. (It is hard to count cats in the rain).