2018-02-27 Triple Crown

After the difficult day on the 26th, the Silver Surfers decided to change direction and go for the triple crown.  The first jewel in the crown was to eat the masaladas purchased from the Punaluaa Bakery.  Check!  A traditional sugar masaladas, one mango masalada, one passion fruit and some other type of masalada all eaten.

They went for a tour of the petroglyphs.  Historic Moment:  Along the Kohala Coast, the 223-acres Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Preserve boasts more than 3,000 ancient petroglyphs, or kii pohaku, lava rock carvings etched into stone, dating back to 1200 AD.  It is generally thought these carvings are records of births and other significant events in the lives of the people who lived on the island of Hawaii long ago.  The field contains carvings of humans, canoes and turtles among other forms.  The site is unpaved and goes through a kiawe forest with thorns on the ground  (Yikes – these can go through your shoes).  The group was very unhappy that someone had drawn fraternity and sorority symbols on the rocks.   What is wrong with these people.  They began to wonder what was real and what was not.

After the walk, they went for the second jewel in the triple crown.  Shaved ice!  Joyce tried some fancy thing that included purple potato ice cream.  She said that she would not get it again.  Debbie has graciously agreed to describe her shaved ice in detail.  “It began with shaved ice on the bottom, followed by vanilla ice cream and shaved ice again.  The shaved ice flavors were mango and orange passion fruit.  Finally it was topped by snow on top (aka coconut milk).  Debbie is sorry to admit that she dropped a big portion on her pants.  (She brushed it off her pants and kicked it over by Larry.)
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They  then went for the final stop, another visit to the macadamia store for free samples.  It was a big day.  Masaladas, shaved ice and macadamia nuts in one day.  There was no dinner for the Silver Surfers that night.

2018-02-26 Worst hike ever

There is a beach in Hawaii that has green sand.  It is by the South Point of the Big Island.  The green sand is created by a common mineral in Big Island lava called olivine, which stays deposited on this beach because it is heavier than the other components of the lava.  There are only 4 of these beaches in the world.  So, off the Silver Surfers go to find the beach hoping it doesn’t rain.

On the way to the beach, they saw a lot of coffee trees in bloom. It must be a money making proposition as every little house has trees in any spare area.

Before the stop at South Point, they stopped for lunch.   The Silver Surfers stopped at Manuka State Park and solved the “Chicken Mystery”.  The chickens are living at the State Park.  The chickens immediately sent over an emissary to speak to Joyce.  (Let’s call him Bruce, the chicken).  Bruce kept circling the table and got very excited when the food came out.  Joyce got excited when  Bruce got excited.  Larry as designated  chicken security had to get firm with Bruce and chased him around the parking lot.  Bruce left in a snit and the Silver Surfers left for the next destination.  They were so shook up with the Bruce incident that they decided that they needed some malasadas at Punaluu.  Culinary Moment:  What is a malasada?  A malasada is a Portuguese confection, made of egg-sized balls of yeast dough that are deep-fried in oil and coated with granulated sugar. (AKA:  A sugar donut).

South Point is the southern most point in the US.  (Key West fans – calm down).  The wind blows hard and was blowing hard that day.  Debbie jumped out of the car first and took off for the view.  She ran so far ahead that she lapped the others going to the cliff.  It started to rain and the wind was blowing so hard it felt like pins and needles hitting them.  Debbie was happy to sit in the car while the others came back soaked.

The rain cancelled the Green Beach hike but the group still wanted to hike.  So, they decided to go back to the Manuka State Park where the sun was shining for a nature walk.  Yes, you heard it, right back to the chicken park where Bruce and his harem live.  The park has a nature walk.  Let’s talk about the walk and how they felt about the nature walk.

Jerry:  I hated the bugs.  I left the others behind because I was running from the bugs.  It was every man for themselves

 Joyce:  I hated the mosquitoes that were biting me.  I  was also worried about Bruce and his friends chasing me through the tropical wonderland.  I kept looking for Jerry but decided that he was on his own.

Larry:  I hated that the trail was not cleared.  I was left with Debbie and Joyce.  I was afraid that I was going to have to haul them over the dead trees.

Debbie:  I hated crawling on the ground under the trees.  I thought that I was going to have to haul Larry over the dead trees.

There was an unanimous opinion that this was the worst hike that they had ever been on.  They have hiked in Canada, Montana, Idaho, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.  This was by far the worst hike that they had taken.  Silver Surfer advice:  DON’T DO IT!  (As a side note – Bruce was seen crowing triumphantly as the group drove away).

As a consolation prize, the group  ate at the Pine Tree Cafe, (Debbie doesn’t understand the significance of the name as there doesn’t seem to be any pine trees in Hawaii.)

2018-02-18 What Are You Doing?

What will the Silver Surfers do now that the Paradise Homies have left?  No advance team…no exciting adventures.  Well, they have been doing lots of stuff.  They have been going to the beach, searching for whales, shopping in the rain and sun, walking around 4 star hotels like they belong and exploring.

Whale watching from land:  Here are the steps –  Get up high, stare at the sea looking for a water spout, spot one, scream it out, and then agree that you saw it breach whether you did or not. (Debbie just waits for someone else to find it).  The group saw whales logging.  Whale moment:  Logging is a behavior that whales exhibit when at rest and appear like “logs” at the surface. It is defined as lying without forward movement at the surface of the water with the dorsal fin or parts of the back are exposed.  (We think this means that they are sleeping).

Adventure:  Upolu Airport is a small regional airport next to the Hawi wind farm.  It is windy and we have read that it is difficult to land an airplane next to a wind farm.  The Silver Surfers have agreed to continue using the Kona airport especially since no one seemed to be at the airport.   You can also visit Mo’okini Heiau. It is one of the oldest and most sacred heiau (places of worship) in the Hawaiian Islands and is one of the first luakini heiau in the islands. Today, Mo’okini Heiau is considered a living spiritual temple and a sacred site to Native Hawaiians.  It is down a muddy lane and we actually never found it but we would have if we weren’t worried about getting stuck and being the only ones at a spooky place.

2018-02-16 Dinner and a little history

To thank the advance team, both groups went to the Red Water Cafe in Waimea.  The restaurant got a “thumbs up” from everyone.  Since many of you like to view and comment on our food section, we have included pictures of the dinner.

Yes, Debbie did order beef not fish.  People, have you heard of Parker Ranch?  We will repeat some of last year’s educational text on the blog.  For those of you at home wearing Parker Ranch memorabilia , we apologize for the repeat information. It has been revealed that some of the PH group doesn’t know about Parker Ranch.


Historic Moment:  It began with five cows—brought across the ocean by British Captain George Vancouver in 1788.  Vancouver presented the cows to King Kamehameha I.  The King set his cows free to roam Hawaii Island, and declared them to be kapu(off limits).  Over the next few years, the King’s cows multiplied into thousands.

In 1816, John Palmer Parker, a western advisor to Kamehameha, married royal granddaughter, Kipikane, and was awarded two acres of land for $10. He was given permission to wrangle the maverick cows that had thrived and multiplied, overrunning the range by the thousands.

By 1832, Parker contracted Mexican vaqueros, expert horsemen with plenty of cattle experience.  Called “paniolo” by Hawaiians.   Paniolo is a corruption of español, the language the vaquero spoke. The Hawaiian language does not have the “s” sound.  Get it – take the s out of espanol.  (Debbie had to think hard about this to understand.  They have been staying at a resort called Paniolo.   Who knew?  She thinks that the other three don’t know this and she is going to tell them.  They will be really excited!  ).
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The beef business boomed and Parker Ranch was born. Over the next century it grew into one of the world’s largest privately-owned cattle ranches.  So now you know – again for some of you.

As a special added treat in today’s blog since the Paradise Homies went home the next day, some additional PH photos are included.  There is a special gallery called “The Turkeys of Paniolo Greens” (They could be called the Cowboy Turkeys”.

We end with a  sunset symbolic of the end of the trip for the Paradise Homies (Seriously, is this not a good ending?  Deep, really deep).