2018-06-10 Light Pole and Chris Pratt

The next day was more swimming at Waialea beach.  Waialea beach is one of the more popular white sand beaches on the Big Island.  Especially so during the summer months, because of the sun, shade and good snorkeling. (We didn’t snorkel as there was no graceful way for Debbie to get in the water).  Waialea beach is also called  “69 beach” because of the number 69 utility pole close to the parking area of this beach.

It was a shady beach but also a long walk once again dragging chairs, food and various other important articles.  Mia made new friends at the beach.  One little girl refused to leave the beach until Mia had returned from the bathroom.  (A groupie?)  The beach was not too crowded with lots of locals.

Lindsey said that Chris Pratt was in the Hawaiian islands.  The group chose the Four Seasons to see the sunset and turtles.  It had nothing to do with Christ Pratt staying there or being where celebrities stay.  (Okay, Chris Pratt was not actually at the Four Seasons but we are sure that he would have been if he knew the group was there.   He probably went there after he found out everyone was there for the sunset.  He used to work at Bubba Gump’s in Hawaii and Debbie ate there before.  He could have been her waiter and might  have remembered Debbie.  Maybe People magazine will have everyone’s pictures next week.  Although Debbie is still waiting for her invitation to Jurassic World:  Fallen Kingdom movie opening).

If you don’t know who Chris Pratt is, pretend that you do.  Parks and Recreation? Guardians of the Galaxy?  Jurassic World?

2018-06-09 Starry Nights

Wendelin was set to leave on Saturday.  Before she left, the group went shopping for a few souvenirs.  Mia had a list of people and shopped hard to find the right gift.  Wendelin left later in the afternoon which was a sad day for the Macadamia nut factory.  They lowered the flags to half mast in her honor.  Wendelin suggested that they try the chant on Jennifer.

After Wendelin was dropped at the airport, Jennifer and Lindsey drove to the observatory visitor center.  Lindsey said that it was not as difficult a drive as the last visit when she cried in the car.   It was very dark with lots of  stars and people.  People kept shouting at each other to turn off their lights (cell phones) but it was too dark to see the pavement.  Jennifer lost Lindsey and had to shout her name to find her.  They finished the visit holding hands so that they did not get lost.

Jennifer’s Summary of the trip:   “You can see Venus, Jupiter, glowing lava, 85 of the 88 constellations, the Southern sky, the Northern sky, and FREE hot chocolate. It is really, really cold. I did like seeing all the stars but not so many people.”

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2018-06-08 Dinner Cruise

Wendelin  began the morning with a helicopter ride.  She took a two hour tour of the island and saw the lava flow.  She reported that it was an amazing ride.  The others were somewhat envious of the ride.

Jennifer, Lindsey and Mia went snorkeling during the helicopter ride.  Debbie was the early morning Uber driver ferrying people between beaches and helicopters.  (Debbie has since given up that career as no one tipped her at all).

The group was set for a historical dinner cruise that night.  The cruise began with high hopes.  The group was early, parking was free, they found the boat and they had their fancy drink.  Then things started to go off track.  Debbie had to look away from the swaying dock before they pulled away.  Once the trip began, Debbie turned a pale green.  She was advised by other group members to stand outside in the wind.  (Debbie thinks this was a defensive move by other members of the party in case she “blew”).  Finally, Debbie was introduced to ginger chews which she clutched in her hand like a magic potion.

Once they got to Captain Cook’s monument the swaying temporarily stopped but Debbie  was not really interested in the so called delicious meal.  (There is something just wrong about eating pink or purple bread).  Debbie did like the music and some of the history.

There were some other members of the party who also turned various shades of green but none as badly as Debbie.  Lindsey was able to break away to go introduce herself to the Captain (Debbie prefers to think she was asking him to stop bouncing the ship up and down because her Mother didn’t like it).  Mia had a great time and also had her picture taken with the captain.

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2018-06-07 The Secret Beach and Expectations

Mau’umae Beach is located between Spencer Beach Park and Mauna Kea Resort.  It is sometimes called the secret beach.  Here is how you access:  Go to the Mauna Kea Resort (a swanky resort) and request a Mau’umae Beach pass at the guard shack. Only 10 passes are available at one time, so it is best to come in the morning. After being given a pass, follow the road for approximately 400 yards and take the second right turn. Continue across two small wooden bridges until you arrive at the unpaved parking area above the beach. The trail down to Mau’umae Beach is marked by a sign. If no beach passes are available or you didn’t know this!!!  Mau’umae can be accessed by parking at Spencer Beach Park and then hiking for a quarter mile (it is more than a quarter of a mile – they are lying)  down the coastal trail.  Try dragging beach chairs, a 7 year old, food and a cooler.  It had to be more than a quarter mile.

Granted there are not many people on the beach.  The group also found a great spot in the shade.  It was so good that Wendelin was able to fall asleep on the beach.  She also declared after the long hike that she was done with the beach in Hawaii.

Next stop was the introduction of Mia to shaved ice.  Mia embraced the shaved ice along with Debbie’s hat.

While on the plane, Mia read a story about a luau.  She had developed expectations about a laua.  1).  There would be dancing  2).  Dancers will have rolls (Mia’s  name for a lei) on the wrists and ankles 3). fire dancers.

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Once the show began, Mia was thrilled.  Dancers?  Check!  Leis on the wrist and ankles?  Check!  Fire Dancers? Check!  However, the fire dancer failed somewhat when he dropped the fiery baton onto a guest table which lead to the guest table standing up and running.


2018-06-06 Bracelet Making

Wendelin had been laying in bed each night with the words “I am buying nuts”, “I am buying nuts” running through her head.  She ate macadamia nuts trying to stop the chant but alas another trip to the macadamia nut factory was required to stop the constant chanting.  The factory erupted with celebration when her foot touched the parking lot pavement.

Meanwhile on the way to the factory, Lindsey was dropped at Spencer beach. Debbie did not feel that Lindsey should be exposed to the chant as she just bought a house.

Wendelin and Debbie’s next stop was Pu’ukohola Heiau.  This is a Hawaiian sacred temple built by Kamehameha to fulfill one of the prophecies about him.  Debbie and Wendelin were thrilled because they got to do crafts.  They made bracelets from the lauhala tree and bonded with their teacher (Marta? Marda? Maybe they did not bond as well as they thought).  The bracelets can last up to 25 years.  Soon the bracelet makers began receiving messages from Lindsey.

“Are we going to eat soon?  People keep sitting next to me at the beach.  Can we eat now? ” Thus they picnic’d on the beach with new bracelets.

Lindsey had scoffed at the planned bracelet making activity until she saw the bracelents.  Cut to Lindsey making her own bracelet after lunch.
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Off to the airport to greet the Princess and her handler at the airport.  Princess Mia shouted, “I knew there would be flowers!”  (Good thing that Debbie and Lindsey came through with the leis)..  The arrival was followed by an immediate visit to the pool.



2018-06-05 Kona

The 5th was a big day for the advance team with the arrival of the 3rd member, Lindsey.   Most of the day was spent in Kona.

For those who wondered, we are on the opposite side of the island from the volcano.  We have seen little physical impact of the volcano where we are located.  There is some vog in Kona.  Unfortunately, there is damage to property and loss of homes.  We have seen evacuees camping on the beach.  There is also an impact to the tourist industry as places that we have visited in the past have much smaller crowds.  Changes to the economy impacts many.
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Waiting for the “Mia” arrival

2018-06-04 Waimea

The day began with a visit to the Hawaiian Style Cafe.  Entrance is guarded by a fierce woman.    Let’s call her, Flo.  There is a waiting list but Flo is not always available to take one’s name.   Then one must rely on surviving customers for an explanation.  When Flo called her name, Debbie was told she didn’t request a table so they went back on the list.  (Debbie thinks it was punishment because she saw empty tables.  Wendy told here to get a grip). After a sufficient repentancewait, Flo called their name  and they were seated at the empty table.  (Debbie tries to shout “I knew it” but was muffled by Wendy.)  Both ordered humongous pancakes.  On the up side, the meal was great at a reasonable price and the waitress that took their order was very gracious.  (Maybe Debbie was just hungry).

Next stop was Parker Ranch.  This has been discussed before so the synopsis is cows were given to royalty, against the law to kill a cow, 25,000 heads of cattle create a problem, problem-fixer John Parker, Parker marries royalty and a ranch is born.  Wendy was properly appreciative of the ranch.

On to Mauna Lani Bay or what Debbie thought was Lani Bay.  Wendy and Debbie wondered around on f oot with Wendy directing unhappy looks at Debbie.  Okay maybe we did walk further than needed but Debbie needed some steps.  They finally drove to Mauna Lani Bay and found the Canoe House for a beautiful sunset.

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2018-06-03 Surprise

Surprise!  Part of the group is back in Hawaii.  Good thing that the last trip  just wrapped up.  Debbie is returning to Hawaii.  Larry is staying at home.  He says that he is saving up for the trip to Oregon and the 2018 Europe trip.  (We know that you are hopping up and down with excitement for the Europe trip).

Debbie has recruited some new traveling companions.  Wendelin, Jennifer, Lindsey and Mia.   Wendelin and Debbie have arrived early as the advance travel team for Princess Mia and her handler, Jennifer.  Congratulations to Wendelin for surviving the first day with Debbie who had gotten up at 3:30 AM for her flight and did not sleep.  Thankfully there are no pictures from the first day.

They began the next bright and sunny day with malasadas (Portuguese donut which are mighty fine).  Wendelin agreed that a Princess would like malasadas.   She suggested that perhaps Debbie should buy extra next time.

Off to Pololu Valley for an intense hike.  Unfortunately, the closer that the pair got to the trail head the more that it rained.  By the time they arrived at the entrance, the trail was muddy.  After one look at the trail, they decided  that the advance people should not wipe themselves out the first day and did not think they could drag the other one back up the trail if there was a mud issue (Debbie had  already contributed heavily to the new Eng wing of the Kohalo Hospital with her broken finger in 2016 and didn’t want to go for a second wing).

Next stop Keokea Park for a picnic lunch.  Yep, they actually packed a lunch.  Who are these people?  Has Wendelin every picnicked on vacation before?

Onward to Lapakahi State Park.  The good news is that it was still raining and no longer sunny.  It was like walking around with a mister.  (No, not a mister man but a mister that mists water).  Not an unpleasant feeling but left one feeling like undried clothes.

To console themselves for being damp, they stopped at the macadamia nut factory.  Debbie walked in chanting “I will not buy nuts, I will not buy nuts”.  The chant was successful for Debbie but unfortunately Wendelin thought the chant was “I will buy nuts, I will buy nuts” and it was also a very successful chant for Wendelin.    The factory has asked Debbie if she would be willing to record that chant for them so that they could play it over the loud speakers.  Wendelin’s last words as she left were “I will be back”.  This lead to massive celebration within the factory.

2018-03 Scavengers Incorporated

It seemed that our travelers were left in Hawaii and you might wonder what happened.  Did they get home?  The answer is yes but one more story before they go.

Joyce, a founding member of Les Cheap Girls, could not resist participating in Scavengers, Inc.  While snorkeling, she noticed an item on the bottom of the ocean.  She circled it a few times and decided that it was a Go Pro.  What?  She found a Go Pro.

What is a Go Pro?   GoPro is to action cameras what Kleenex is to tissues.  (What?).    The Silver Surfers needed an action camera to ad to their toolbox (Gosh, that sounds professional).    Wouldn’t you like to see Debbie try to dive underwater (Debbie says  it is not possible for her to stay underwater.    You know they all fell down in the mud on a hike last year.   That would be an exciting video.  It would actually be exciting to film Debbie trying to put on her snorkeling fins.  Not a graceful event).

The problem was that Joyce could not get down to retrieve the Go Pro.  She kept circling the camera like a vulture guarding her dinner.  Eventually she approached a man snorkeling close to her. Let’s call him Tom. (Not sure how this is possible to approach a stranger swimming but Joyce did it).   Joyce struck a deal with Tom.  If he dove down and retrieved the GoPro, Tom could keep the GoPro stick while Joyce got the GoPro.  (Luckily, Tom already had a GoPro but no stick).  Tom did it!  Joyce and Tom swam away happy.  Joyce shared the news of her find with the other Silver Surfers.   The battery even had some charge left on it.

Shortly after the find, the Silver Surfers took the camera and fled Hawaii.  They are busy planning their first action video for Youtube.