The group was also in a bit of a quandary about a change to the trip. The change requires Joyce and Jerry to leave the trip and they hope to rejoin at a later date. So, everyone decided on a light day.
The group had money to spend before everyone left Sweden. Sweden uses Kroner not Euro even though they are a part of the European Union. So back to the grocery store for Joyce and Debbie.
The group walked to Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar. Cultural Moment: This was a country home of John Hall and built in the 1700s. Hall made his money from wood, bar iron and train oil. The train oil was extracted from herring. (Debbie has seen herring and was super impressed that you could get a house out of it). John Hall made the money, built the house and his son lost all the money.
It is close to the flat where the group is staying. There is only one tour a day at 2 in Swedish. The group missed the tour so satisfied themselves by sticking their face up against the windows. The gardens were impressive. The grounds have a restaurant from farm to table. While the group did not eat there, they checked out the vegetables. It was a nice walk around the lake and Larry took some artistic pictures. You can decide which you like better.
Joyce spent the night coaching Debbie on continuing the trip without her while Debbie sat in shell shock and her admiration for Joyce’s planning grew.
The group awoke a little sad as they found out the night before that one of the Norway travelers, Erika, would not be able to go with them. They started the day with a bus ride.
They arrived downtown before most things opened. They visited the Tradgards-Foreningen (gardens with a greenhouse). The greenhouse was full of plants that grew in Houston so Debbie and Larry weren’t super impressed. They continued on to the market and a walk through downtown.
Then they found the Maritiman Museum. It is a floating museum of 18 different types of ships. The ships are in varying states of repair. (None of them really good repair). When this museum was created, these four are probably not the demographics that the museum had in mind. Their favorite ships were the destroyer (1962) and the submarine (1961). The museum allows visitors to climb all over the ships. Many of the places would not be allowed in the US due to lawsuits. There was some doubt as to whether some of the group would be able to climb back out of the submarine once they had gotten down the ladder. (There has been a lot of bread eaten on the trip.) There might have been some tense moments on getting out. Debbie refused to stand under anyone while they were climbing as she felt that a well placed fall could take out the entire group.
They stopped by the fish market, old town and a church on the way out. They were going to walk up an overlook until they saw it was an excessive number of steps straight up and felt that they had done enough climbing on the ships.
Is Jerry stuck?
Hey, we have these plants at home.
The Food Market
Debbie’s graceful submarine exit
With one fall, I can take out the group
Fish Market
Submarine Entrance
Gustavi Domkyrka
Sure, any of us will drive this ship for you.
Rust? What rust?
Debbie, how many jackets do you have on?
I am the captain!
Debbie trying to look stylish
Some of the ships
A floating light house
Larry, first one in
No, I would never hit my head
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It was time to leave Stockholm and head for a new destination, Gothenburg. This is the second largest city in Sweden. It is about a 5 hour drive from Stockholm to Gothenburg. The group stuffed all their suitcases, food, shoes and additional items into the car and took off. They concluded that they had bought too much stuff as they laid on the car trying to shut doors. It was a nice but a long drive with a stop for lunch. Joyce and Jerry were able to find the buffet with Swedish meatballs while Debbie and Larry found hot dogs. Debbie wants to point out that she had a gourmet chili dog and Larry had a gourmet garlic dog. They also spent time interacting with the local people figuring out what type of hot dog, coleslaw, and credit card. The store had to call over an additional clerk because the line behind them started to grow. (Debbie knows the staff secretly liked talking to them with lots of head nodding, smiling and hand waving).
There new rental has a nice overlook of the lake. See pictures of the rental below. And in the long run it spoils the relation. pfizer viagra discount Nevertheless, every time of these identical persons are merely drinking closely, only 5 % within males but 10 % connected lady are blessed with symptoms meeting the have to be recognized online viagra prescription for depression. Some of free viagra pills the steps that one needs to take to treat ED and has the potential to make your condition worse rather than better. Also, 14% of students aged 13 to 15 years around the world to treat tadalafil 20mg india depression.
Joyce let her group sleep later probably because they begged and looked sad. They arrived at the train station at 9 to find no place to park. (Everyone’ thought uh oh we should have gotten there earlier. Joyce was right. Thankfully she did not say “I told you so.”) They drove around with parking anxiety floating in the car. But found no available spaces so back to the flat just in time to miss the hourly bus to the train station. Turns out it really is just a 20 minute walk to the train station.
The first stop was the Nordic Museum. Culture Moment: This museum is dedicated to the cultural history of Sweden from the early modern period to the contemporary period. The museum has furniture, customs, a giant king and an aurora borealis room. You are supposed to be able to go into this room, adjust to darkness and then see a fake Aurora Borealis. The group all went into the room and waited for this exciting event. Here is how the conversation went:
Joyce: “Do you see anything?”
Debbie: “No, I don’t see anything.”
Larry: “Is this it?”
Joyce: “Yes, but I don’t get it”.
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Larry: “I am leaving. I don’t understand this museum” .
Second stop: Vikingaliv – This attraction is about Vikings. The best that the group can say is that it was entertaining and there was a ride. There are some good pictures.
The final stop was the Spirit Museum which only deserves the comment that it was on the City card.
It has been discovered that the parking ticket was not about parking in the wrong place but about parking over the lines. The group felt this was a little excessive and has led to auditing all parking. This increases the time to park as all doors are thrown open to verify that the car is within the lines.
Regardless of the parking anxiety, the group decided to drive to the castles instead of public transport. Today’s destination was Drottningholm Palace (No, it is not misspelled). This is the official residence of the royal family. No one told the group but they read it on the internet. The group thought that the Royal Family would want to greet them (turns out they did not).
Historical Moment: The castle was originally built in the late 16th century. It served as a regular summer residence of the Swedish royal court for most of the 18th century. While it is a castle, it is not as elaborate as the French or German castles. The group did visit the Baroque Gardens while running through the rain. They took shelter in the guard house with the other wet tourists. They also visited the Chinese Palace and theater at the castle.
At this time, the group needs to confess another parking incident occurred. The car was well within the lines but there was one parking meter with instructions in Swedish. The time could only be added is increments of 15 minutes. Jerry”s first attempt gained 45 minutes – BOOM that’s how you do it. Joyce pointed out that one could not view a castle in 45 minutes. Back in line for another 3 hours of time all logged electronically. No printed ticket. When the group returned to the car after lunch, there was a new ticket for expired time on the car windshield. BOOM! Two parking tickets in Sweden. They had just figured out how to get the first one paid. However, early detection is a good discount viagra way to save money. The prominent drug exercised in this medication is tadalafil generic cialis Sildenafil Citrate. At times, the problem cialis uk could be due to a bad motherboard. By increasing androgenic effects and dramatically increasing testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases sexual arousal and cheapest viagra this motivation and frequency of sexual activity.
So it was with some additional anxiety that the group proceeded on to castle number two, Skokloster Castle. . Historical Moment: Skokloster Castle was built in the Baroque style between 1654 and 1676 by the wealthy military commander count Carl Gustaf Wrangel . He made his money as a military commander during the 30 years war. So the group’s conclusion was that he took home enough bounty of the war to fund the big house. The visit was a little strange as the rooms were dark and the guide had a flashlight. Debbie asked why it was so dark and the guide explained that only the first floor had electricity. The castle is closed in the winter months because it is so dark.
The last stop was the Skokoster Church. It was a long ride back in the rain with the second ticket staring at them from the dashboard.
Today the group went to the most visited museum in Scandinavia. The group was excited. They got there early and successfully navigated the rail, metro and a tram. They were going to the Vasa Museum. Hot Diggity Dog!
Historical moment: The Vasa set sail on her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628 from Stockholm. At the time, she was the most powerfully armed warship in the world, with 64 bronze cannons. Twenty minutes into her journey, the ship was hit by two strong winds. It heeled to port, water gushed in, and the ship sank less than a mile into the journey. (Talk about a bad day. The ship sank in front of the king and all the people that came to see it off). Turns out that the ship was top heavy. In 1961, the ship was salvaged after it was under water for 333 years. The Vasa Museum displays the Vasa. The ship was rebuilt inside the museum. The ship is awesome. The group went wild taking pictures. You may not want to mention anything about the Vasa because they might get excited and never stop talking about it.
They did have one incident where Debbie and Larry were kicked out of the bathroom line. No, they did not do anything wrong but the man decided to clean the bathroom just as they got to the door. Joyce pretended that she did not understand, ran around the cleaner and locked herself in the stall. Debbie and Larry, sadly, had to go to the back of the other line. They were not happy. The cleaner got the stink eye.
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The next stop was Skansen which is an open air museum. Think of a Swedish Williamsburg without so many employees. As they left, a “hop on hop off” bus came by. The group hopped on and were happily riding until the bus reached the end of the line and told everyone to exit the bus. They didn’t really want to stay anyway because the bus kept playing classical music which made some people sleepy.
Back of the Vasa
Another view
Selfie with the Vasa
These figures were symbolic but we don’t remember symbolic of what
This is it – You are lucky you only got 5 pictures of the Vasa
Before starting the travel day, an interesting Swedish fact that has taken the group by surprise. The Swedish cinnamon bun is a staple. It isn’t like Cinnabon. The buns have less sugar and no frosting. Instead, the buns are doughy, sticky with cinnamon and cardamom paste and are pretty good. The buns are usually the pastry used for fika, the Swedish tradition of breaking for coffee, and it is the most popular Swedish pastry. The average Swede consumes 316 buns a year. October 4th is cinnamon bun day. (Debbie says that she can support that day)
Now for the day. Once again the group began early. Even earlier than the day before. They were off to visit the royal apartments. History Moment: The Royal Apartments at the Palace are a collective name for state rooms that are used at The King and Queen’s receptions. Debbie’s interpretation: There are rooms that can be used for visitors, state occasions, parties and other stuff. There are also guards all around the entrances. History Moment: The Swedish state Treasury houses the state regalia used for royal weddings, christenings, and funerals. The group saw the regalia and think that the crowns would fit their heads. History Moment: In the third museum of the day (all this before lunch) in the cellars of the Royal Palace, were the remnants of the Tre Kronor Castle, which was destroyed by fire in 1697. The group finished the Royal area with a visit to the Royal Chapel. Just to be clear: The King and Queen of Sweden don’t live in the Royal Palace but the group of four would be willing to stay in the state apartments just for the week. They finished up the morning watching the change of the guard. They have yet to receive an invitation to stay in the Royal Apartments.
After a lunch that may or may not have included reindeer, the group proceeded to their first church visit of the vacation. (Royal Chapel does not count). History Moment: Storkyrkan (The Great Church), officially named Church of St. Nicholas and informally called Stockholm Cathedral. It is the oldest church in Old Town. The group thought this was a Catholic Church but was surprised to learn this is part of the Church of Sweden. The church of Sweden is an Evangelical Lutheran national church. Are you confused yet?
The next stop was Riddarholm. History Moment: The Riddarholm Church is the burial church of the Swedish monarchs and several other families. It has been discontinued as the monarchy burial place. The four felt that it was a bit depressing.
The final stop of the day was the Nobel Prize Museum. They learned a lot about the process and how to apply, who votes, and the categories. The current prize is about a million dollars per category. Some people were really into the tour. (Not our group). They shouted out the answers to the questions and pushed to the front of the group. Joyce admitted that she had actually met a Nobel laureate. The other three realized that they must not be traveling in the right circles and have started studying up so that they can yell out answers next time. The sildenafil generico viagra evidence for the adverse effects of the obesity on women’s health is overwhelming and indisputable Obesity leads to multiple diseases which together are called as METABOLIC SYNDROME OF OBESITY and of reproduction, when an obese woman with sub fertility presents for fertility treatment, an individualized yet systematic approach is needed. If you want to have fun in the bedroom but levitra cost low this will not work if we don’t turn it on. Older people who have problem gulping any other form of treatment may require a jelly for safe and cialis sildenafil sure effects. As such, exposure of this drug means taking advantage of a low cost drug with a electric power to let the a man perform india generic viagra well his best in bed.
It is time to get serious about touring. Joyce told her people that they had to be ready to roll at 8:00 AM. (Debbie says that it is similar to a military operation. ) They took the train back to Old Town and were second in line for “The Tour of Under the Bridges of Stockholm”. (Debbie says that if you are from Houston this is not a tour that you would like to take but is different in Stockholm. They are also not sure how someone beat them in line but have photographic proof.)
Today they discovered a strange phenomena. When they withdrew money from the ATMs, it was in 500 Kroner units. No one will take their cash. (Hard to pay 500 kroner to get in a pay toilet). The boat would not take cash for coffee either. For 2 hours, they toured the canals and islands with cash in hand. The bakery would not take their cash. The bank told them no. They decided to go to lunch at a fish place and pay cash. Nope! Only one person could pay cash. Debbie and Larry were still running around tightly holding on to their 500 kroner bill. They saw people paying for ice cream cones with a credit card, bread with a credit card, coffee with a credit card but no cash. After 4 hours, they had managed to break one bill. Why give out bills that no one will take?
The next stop was City Hall. Happily, the City said that they were happy to take money for the tour and anything else that they would like to buy. So after paying, everyone went on a tour. The group had discovered that the Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm. After the awards are given out, the Blue Hall in City Hall is used for the award dinner. Cultural Moment: The room is not blue (long story) and the stair way was built for women in formals and high heels. (The architect felt it would be unseemly for an award winner or royalty to roll down the stairs.) After the dinner, there is a dance in the Gold Hall. Interesting fact: You can rent those two rooms out. So if anyone wants to have a big party, Debbie is available and knows how to get there plus she can bring 3 others. The city government also has meetings when time allows.
Debbie kept calling the next attraction, Skyfall as in the James Bond movie. As the ball came into view, Debbie swore that she heard the theme song from Skyfall. The others told her the correct name, Skyview. From a marketing point of view, Skyview is much better name than Skyfall. (Debbie wasn’t sure how she felt about riding up and down Skyfall and began to see the advantages of Skyview).
The group had attempted to find a grocery store last night but were so sad about the ticket that they just went home. Today, they continued their Swedish learning journey. The grocery store gives out tokens to get a cart, you can get a scanner to self service scan as you go sort of like wedding registry. (The group did not feel ready for these). They were just excited to be in the store. This grocery store was awesome. It was the cleanest store ever. They weren’t too sure what they were purchasing but enthusiastically shopped and pelted the staff with questions. They got several samples as it was easier to give samples than for the staff to explain. They even purchased a big bag of frozen meatballs after receiving instructions on how to cook them. (The vacation group was a big hit with the grocery staff. ) Guess what who had meatballs for lunch?
After lunch, it was time to learn how to navigate the train. After successfully, making it to Old town Stockholm, the group took a self guided walking tour. (There was some anxiety and a broken escalator with more than 100 steps but they got there). Geographic Moment: Stockholm is located on Sweden’s east coast, where the freshwater Lake Mälaren — Sweden’s third largest lake — flows out into the Baltic Sea. The central parts of the city consist of fourteen islands that are continuous with the Stockholm archipelago (chain of islands). Who knew? Who know what archipelago meant?
On the walk, they found the smallest public statue in Stockholm. It is a little boy representing orphans that worked on the docks. Grandmother’s knit caps for the statue. There was also a statute of St. George fighting the dragon which was quite impressive. So impressive that it sent the group off in the wrong direction. They also watched the changing of the guard (lite – not the whole thing with horses and bands). At the end of the day, they felt like they knew much more about Stockholm.
It is due to the veins check to find out more cheapest levitra carrying less blood to those parts. Phew! Lets take a moment to thank the Good Lord restores our health using our own bodies intrinsically by saying viagra sales in uk no to smoking and alcohol. Although they are buy cheap viagra effective in use, there are a few limitations. However, it is important to exercise these methods with moderation viagra samples for sale and try to not mix both in a short period of time. A special shout out to Jennifer for her birthday from her parents. They ate a meatball in her honor.
Cleanest grocery store ever
This place is awesome
I want ot shop here
Joyce’s famous Swedish Meatballs. (We don’t know the difference).
Debbie and Larry began their trip listening to jazz in Houston. (Yep, they had musicians in the terminal). Off they flew to London. With Larry’s help Debbie was able to score her own row. When the doors closed, she shot across the aisle and staked her claim like a true squatter. The food was not to their liking. (Yes, you did get fed by the airlines but come on.) Debbie was very sad. She consoled herself by eating the comfort good that she had brought from home.
They arrived in London early in the morning and met Joyce and Jerry. By 2:30 that afternoon, the group had arrived in Stockholm. First stop, car rental. Second stop car rental – third stop – car rental. No, they didn’t actually leave and come back but did load and unload a couple of cars. At one point, they thought someone would be holding luggage in their laps.
The group drove across Stockholm in rush hour. Stockholm has quite an impressive rush hour. Joyce drove and Debbie was moral support. Jerry and Larry were not as supportive as they slept their way across Stockholm. Larry said that he was thinking with his eyes closed and not really sleeping.
There is a book called “A Man Called Ove”. The book is about a neighborhood in Sweden and the group feels that they are living that book. The street has traffic signs just like the book. Larry has volunteered to be the grumpy old man of the book if needed. He thinks that there are lots of apples on the ground that he could throw at people. (Joyce and Debbie have recommended that he not throw apples as several police officers live in the neighborhood). Well, there may be some exception when the browse this page cialis online medicine and other similar drugs fail to accomplish their goals and objectives. You can buy all these female viagra buy in 54 main categories including Coco & Breezy, Ed Lover “C’mon Son”, Kaylin Garcia, Duckie Confetti and many more. Seasonal allergic rhinitis Perennial allergic rhinitis Allergies occur throughout the year Allergens viagra pfizer suisse that trigger particularly dust, animal dander, mites, odor chemicals. Kamagra Jelly should only be taken once in a 24 hour period is 100mg This medicine will become effective 1 hour after taking it and effects may be noticeable after 45mins* Effective treatment time is pfizer online viagra 4 – 6 hours.
Once the group unloaded and were given the tour by the owner, it was time to search for food. They were existing on airline food and also wanted to find the train station They had been assured that they could park at the train parking lot for free. (This is an important statement). They ate in a Greek Restaurant where everyone cleared their plate and happily returned to the car. Good moods can be shattered by notes on your cars. Turns out that one can’t park in the train parking lot for free. If you do park there, someone will give you a ticket. On the upside, how many people do you know that have had tickets in multiple countries?
Airline food – not as good as it looks. (Debbie thinks it doesn’t look good).
Who could resist a Harry Potter store?
Nope, this car was too small.
The kitchen
The family room
One of the bedroom
Bedroom 2
Stairs of Fear
Front of the house
You have to plug in the car in the winter so it won’t freeze. Who wants to do that in the cold?