2018-08 Swedan, Swedon, Sweden?

Europe is our fall destination. We hope that you come on the trip with us.   It starts soon.  Frantic packingLarry and Debbie began discussing their destinations which some Scandinavia countries and part of the UK.  As they discussed their first destination, Debbie realized that she didn’t know how to spell it.  Swedan?  Swedon or Sweden.  Debbie asked  Larry At this point, they realized there might be an issue.

Debbie thinks of Stockholm Syndrome (Pattie Hurst).  Ikea – Swedish meatballs

Larry thinks of windmills and tulips (Debbie is going to have to call this questionable).

Lindsey said that she thinks of blonde people, wooden shoes and bicycle.  (Not sure how good those geography classes were).

So, okay readers – What do you think of when you think of Sweden?

Debbie looked up Stockholm Syndrome so she knows.

2018 July – Oregon Tales

In July, Mia took her grandparents (DeeDee/Debbie and PawPaw/Larry) on a trip to Oregon.  In a lucky stroke, our hard-hitting reporter was able to quiz Mia on their recent trip.

Hard Hitting Reporter (HHR):  Mia why did you take your grandparents to Oregon?

Mia:  Well, I had taken DeeDee to Hawaii in June and learned a lot about how to handle her.  Adding PawPaw was an additional challenge but I knew that Lindsey Leigh would be there.  Once I got them settled on the plane with movies they were fine but I did have to get some snacks for them later.  DeeDee said that snacks were good or there might have been a “Snickers” moment.  (I’m not really sure what she is referencing).

HHR:  What did you do once our group landed?

Mia:  We thought it would be good to tire them out so took them directly to a kickball game.  Lindsey and Aaron are star players.  DeeDee and PawPaw mostly just stood around while I networked.  Sometimes, I had to send them into tall weeds to retrieve frisbees that even the dogs would not go to retrieve.

HHR:  Rumor is that an incident went down on Fall Creek Trail.  Could you tell us what happened?

Mia:  Well, we were hiking when PawPaw yelled that a fly bit him.  DeeDee mumbled something about flies not biting and wimpy hikers.  She proceeded down the trail to investigate the flies.  Suddenly, there was a blood-curdling scream that did give Lindsey and I concern.  As we looked down the trail, we saw Dee-Dee slapping, hopping, running, and yelling inappropriate words.  Paw Paw was also running and slapping.  At first, we thought they were in a slap fight.

Debbie:  I am going to jump in here.  We suddenly found ourselves in a swarm of wasps.   It was only through skillful ducking and diving that we came away with only 1 sting each.   It was very painful.  We thought that Lindsey Leigh would have performed some type of medical procedure or carried us on her back to the car but she did not.   There is the suspicion that someone whacked the nest as they walked by.   Anyone would have said inappropriate words.

Larry:  I also said inappropriate words and I don’t care.

Mia:  See what I have to work with?

HHR:  Did you see any other interesting sights?

Mia:  Yes, DeeDee and I went to the children’s museum and planetarium.  I think that DeeDee enjoyed it but might have fallen asleep during the show.

Debbie:  Okay, yes, I did close my eyes but it was because they were repeating information and I was laying flat out in a chair.  I was practicing listening skills.

HHR:  How was your visit to Crater Lake?

Mia:  It was really nice although there was some smoke.

HHR:  Did you do any hiking?

Mia:  We hiked up the Watchman’s Trail.  DeeDee was a bit difficult on this hike.  She said that she doesn’t do hikes in the sun and especially uphill hikes.  I had to put my hand on her back sometime and push.  PawPaw told DeeDee that you couldn’t give a stink eye to grandchildren so she consoled herself by giving a stink eye to anyone that ran past her up the trail.  I think that Lindsey Leigh might have also said not to try to trip the runners.

HHR:   We saw pictures of a big kite on the beach.  What happened there?

Mia:  Aaron brought the kite.  It was exciting.  Especially when Lindsey Leigh fell down and rolled in the sand.

Lindsey Leigh:  I keep telling you, it was a graceful way to bring down the kite. Let’s not talk about this.

HHR:  Did you go do Portland?

Mia:  Yes, Portland has awesome parks and we saw our cousins who were visiting.

HHR:  I heard that you bonded with the chickens.

Mia:  Yes, I liked finding the eggs and helping put the chickens away.  Let’s ask DeeDee how she felt about the chickens.

Debbie:  I just want to go on the record that chickens are not substitutes for grandchildren or grand-puppies.  I did bond somewhat with Morgan Freedman.  There was also RuPaul, Anna Nicolle and Marshall Mathers.  Why do all of these chickens have male names except for Anna Nicole who refuses to lay eggs?  This is just wrong.

Larry:  I just wanted to say that there was a list of chores that I worked on in my down time.

Debbie:  I liked Lindsey’s house and tried to be supportive in the execution of those chores.

Mia:  It was hard work but I would take them back again but might need Mom to go next time to help with the management.

Lindsey Leigh:  I have started my chore list for next time to help keep them busy.

Mia:  I am glad that I was able to help them have a little fun.  I am not sure they should travel alone.

2018-06-14 Waterfalls

When you think of Hawaii, you think of waterfalls.  If you are cheap then you may choose the land version rather than the helicopter option.  Jennifer, Mia and Debbie chose the land version.

They began the trip with a visit to the Hawaiian Cafe as it was going to be a long day.  The first stop was at Akaka Falls Lookout.  It is one of the best known waterfalls on the island.   It is sort in the middle of no where so it is difficult to figure out where all the water flow is generated.

They next stop was Laupahoehoe Park.    This park has a sad history where a tsunami wave struck a school on  April 1, 1946.  The park is a memorial and not heavily used.  The sad history continues as, we found people displaced by the volcano camping on this beach.

The next day our happy group flew home.

Now that Mia has some vacation experience, she is planning on taking her grandparents to Oregon to visit Lindsey Leigh.