Today the group traveled from Bergen to Meling. Meling is so remote that it doesn’t even appear on Eric/Thor’s GPS . The group navigated to do Jorpsland and then followed handwritten instructions (the way everyone did before the arrival of electronics). The trip went well although it rained the entire way.
Debbie made everyone pack a lunch (They were not super excited by this but they were traveling with a car full of food.) As a treat, that stopped at a Shell (a favorite stop). Debbie discovered a new type of Sprite at the Shell. She decided that it must have been translated incorrectly. Who would put cucumber juice in their diet Sprite? Yes, she was positive there was no cucumber juice in the Sprite. Turns out she was wrong. As they set in the car at the Shell station eating lunch in the rain, they decided not to take the scenic route since the weather was so bad. The non-scenic route had a dozen tunnels and three surprise ferrys. (Surprise ferrys are when the road suddenly ends at the ferry line).
At the first ferry, Larry with Eric’s help somehow bypassed the ferry payment shack and drove on the boat. As they were paying inside, Debbie asked how one normally paid (She worries excessively over these things). The guy replied that you stop at the payment hut and pay. BOOM! There were no more issues with the payment of the other two ferry rides.
The new accommodations were a farm house built in the 1920s and expanded in the late 1940s. It is by far the nicest place that they have stayed this trip or last. The farmhouse can sleep at least 12. There are sheep in front of the house and fresh eggs from the farm were waiting for them in the refrigerator. Some of the rooms overlook a lake. It is a lovely and peaceful setting. Who needs an alarm clock with a rooster that crows in the morning?
One of our favorite stops
I know this is a mistaken translation
Surprise Debbie. It is real lime & cucumber Sprite
The group woke to a rainy and cloudy day. They decided to go back to Bergen to ride the funicular. They were hesitant to park in the same parking lot after yesterday’s exit issues. (They thought that they might be recognized). So, they found another one closer to the harbor.
They found the harbor and the funicular all in the rain. Joyce would’ve been so proud of them. They were first in line and grabbed the front seat. The plan was to ride up to the top and walk down. It rained all the way to the top so any pictures should be considered art shots through the rain. The crowd exited as one, traveling in a pack until people started to make a dash for the gift shop. Anything to stay out of the rain and cold. Debbie spotted the restaurant and they decided to have a early lunch to wait for the rain to pass.
The lunch prices were high and les cheap girl just couldn’t spend $16 for a soup buffet. Instead Debbie ate a soggy looking waffle whose one redeeming quality was the hearts. Jerry and Larry ate smoked trout sandwiches which had no trout but a little bit of salmon.
However while they were eating, it cleared up and rainbows appeared (I’m not kidding). So, they did get pictures but then it clouded up, they ditched the plan to walk down and rode the funicular down but were able to get senior prices at half price.
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The third museum was The Norwegian Fisheries Museum. Technically, you can walk as it was a 20 minute walk but it was still pouring down rain so they took the free bus. It was a three-story building with several special exhibits. Many of the exhibits were for children. OK, let’s be honest here, There were instructions on how to go to the museum. But some people didn’t listen so Debbie spent all her time looking for the other two (Debbie used her listening skills). Still raining, they took the bus back. Luckily, they all had umbrellas although Jerry’s is of questionable use.
They exited in the parking garage with no issues but paid twice the price. (Debbie did sit in the back saying “Please work, please work” which might have helped). Maybe you have to pay more in order to get out of the parking garages.
Funicular with other people on it
View from the top
What is different about this picture
My name is Larry Eng and I am here to talk to you about fish
Rainbow at the top – Art shot
Debbie is cheap – heart waffles
Imprompt meeting of the wine club
Wheelbarrow and scale for the fish
Debbie thinks they needed the ropes so they could walk without falling
Those that know Debbie and Larry well, know that sometimes they go on quests. A quest can be defined as the following: a long or arduous search for something. They have quested for hats in Paris with Don and Greg. Some of their quests are epic. This was the day of quests perhaps not epic but a day to find things. They began early adding Jerry to the group.
The first quest was a parking garage. They had the address of a garage. They circled, surrounded, sat on top of and finally with great trepidation went into the mouth of the dragon. So what if it has over 200 empty parking spaces? I was still intimidating. Remember Sweden and the two parking tickets? Eventually, they parked and made it to the street.
Now the quest for the locations on Debbie’s list. Just saying it is easy to get turned around underground in a parking garage. Street names are really long in Norwegian. The names seem sort of angry looking. The little group and Google maps eventually got to the street. They zig-zagged and back tracked down the street, finally breaking down and asking for directions. The man felt somewhat responsible for them and would yell across the street at them if they started going the wrong way. Finally they found the wharf and other tourists. They hurried to a Starbucks for a taste of home and to regroup out of the rain.
Debbie was elated when she found Hakon’s Hall. Truthfully, she thought that she had found something else but she managed to lead the other two by the wharf for ship pictures and around through the back sbut she had accomplished a quest. Historic Moment: Hakon’s Hall is 750 years old and at that time it was built Bergen was Norway’s largest and most important town. Hakon’s Hall was the site of major national events, such as the drawing up of Norway’s first complete set of laws. Okay, Debbie’s interpretation is the following. This hall got blown up and burned a few times so it technically is not 750 years old. It looks like a banquet hall now and they let you sit down at the table so pretty sure stuff is not 750 years old.
They next began the quest for Rosenkrantz Tower. Debbie’s Historic Moment: A really old tower from medieval times. It got blown up accidentally on Hitler’s birthday by more than 1000 tons of dynamite. So again, technically this is not the original tower. This turned out to be a more difficult quest than might be thought even though it was beside Hakon’s Hall. The building is wrapped in blue plastic. Would you look for a pink plastic tower? – no, probably not. Eventually, the three lined up to get into the tower.
Debbie quickly discovered that “Safety First” is not the motto of Rosenkrantz Tower. The railings are rope with give of about 6 inches which can be a surprise if expecting an immovable railing. The stairs spiral up with surprise rooms. The stairs are narrow and spiraling where you constantly pass others going up or down. (Really, passing on a spiral stair case? Three points of contact on stairs at all time – Safety first). Debbie walked into the bathroom at one point thinking it was an historic room. She was in such a hurry to get out that she knocked her head. Larry also had a head knocking incident with the same bathroom. Once the top was reached after about 30 to 45 minutes of ambling around, they found a sign that indicated there were two stairways – one for up and one for down. Surprised them- maybe this should be listed at the bottom of the stairs and not the top. No one else was adhering to the rules, so they too went down the up stairway. Debbie shouted “Yes!” as they found the exit doorway causing the staff to burst out laughing.
After the escape from the tower, they quickly found a place to eat. The trio walked through the old shopping district, fish market and the wharf. They began the final quest to get the car out of the parking garage. Jerry led them to the ticket machine and they paid (at least they think they did). They found the car and watched other cars exit to get the process down. Unfortunately, when they went to exit, the “inappropriate word “ticket did not work. They built up a line until the person behind them got out of the car to help. She pressed the button and explained that the ticket was paid. Suddenly, the gate went up. Applause all around.
There are two theories as to what happened. 1). They didn’t really pay the ticket but just thought they did 2). They took more than 10 minutes to get out of the garage. Being a tourist can be a humbling experience.
Debbie and Larry were once again on the road. Today was the move day to Bergen. Larry was up and primed to be on the road. They have named their car GPS, Eric. He has a nice British accent and seems calm in most situations.
The two drove through the countryside and dozens of tunnels to Bergen. In fact, Debbie started doing an artistic photo shoot of the tunnels. (See her magnificent pictures). Bergen is the 2nd largest city in Norway. Debbie and Larry think that Eric has some issues with Bergen. (Larry thinks maybe the issues are with Debbie) First, Eric got caught in an internal loop. He led them through the loop over and over again. Our Le Mans driver was not pleased with Eric. Debbie yelled at Eric to stop talking and used Good maps to get back on track. After everyone had calmed down and had a hot dog from the Shell station, Larry and Debbie were ready to go to the new house.
They began only a couple of kilometers away from the house. They decided to try Eric again as it must have been a fluke. So off, they go to the flat. Eric guided them to an industrial area high up on a hill, with curving. one lane roads. Eric took them down the road and then asked for a legal u-turn. They went the other way and also got another legal u-turn when they turned around. Then Eric led them to a loading dock. On the third attempt to find the house, Eric told them to turn left, turn left. If they had turned left, then they would have driven over a cliff. Google Maps refused to participate. Debbie disconnected Eric. Debbie broke down and called the owner. The owner came and led them to the house with Eric in disgrace.
The house is nice with a great view. Some of the bedrooms are head thumpers. The toilet in particular has almost knocked out both Debbie and Larry. It is a big step up from the Esso station.
Now that they knew were to stay, Debbie and Larry had an exciting task at the Bergen Airport. The Bergen Airport has a pickup parking lot. Your license tag is read as you enter the parking lot, one has 7 minutes that are free (Debbie and Larry can’t park and get out of a car in 7 minutes) and if over 7 minutes you pay. “You pay”: shades of Sweden. After asking for input from several people, Debbie was able to pay the ticket (Not a fine like Sweden).
The good news is that Jerry has rejoined Larry and Debbie. Larry and Debbie jumped for joy when Jerry exited baggage. In honor of Jerry’s arrival and as a gesture of goodwill, Eric has been renamed to Thor. Debbie thinks that Eric is trying to get rid of her so it can just be a boy’s trip. Debbie taunts Eric when Larry is out of the car. “Eric, are you recalculating does that mean you are lost again?” Debbie and Eric Thor don’t have a very good relationship.
They completed the night’s celebration with dinner at the Golden Chopsticks.
When you think of Norway, you think of fjords but what exactly is a fjord? Debbie and Larry knew that they needed to see one but weren’t exactly sure what it is. They kept asking each other questions.
“Is that a fjord? Is it salt water? What’s the big deal?”
Well for those that fall into the Debbie / Larry category, here is a definiation. Educational Moment: A fjord is a deep, narrow and elongated sea or lake drain, with steep land on three sides. During the ice age glaciers formed these fjords. Fjord in its basic meaning “where one fares through”, then has the same origin that the word “fare” (travel). The verb “fare” and the noun “ferry”, has the same origin. (Debbie just liked this last part).
One of the longest fjord is the sognefjord. Naeroyfjord is a branch of the sognefjord. Until recently many people that lived on a fjord were only reachable by boat. Debbie had tried to take them earlier to Undredal in the car as a side trip. The tour book begins with the sentence “Undredal – an almost impossibly remote community….”. She did take them to the smallest still active church in Norway but didn’t share that with Larry as he was trying to turn around in the church yard at the time. (Debbie got a stink eye for that side trip. She doesn’t want to talk about it).
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So being environmentally conscious in the land of Teslas, they took the premium all electric boat. They were first in line for the cruise. They hustled on the boat when it was opened and chose seats outside in the back. (What? you say! Debbie sitting outside. Debbie really doesn’t do sun or cold.) It was overcast and Debbie was willing to make concessions for a fjord. Unfortunately, they chose to sit close to the Norwegian flag flying off the back of the ship. This flag seems to be one of the biggest selfie props that Debbie has ever seen. It was incredible. Some people even brought additional props for their selfies (plastic roses and satin shawls). Some people would position the photographer and then the selfie sticks were out of control. (Inappropriate word, inappropriate word!) One pair of ladies would come back every 20 to 30 minutes for a new group of shots. Debbie would eventually get tired after 10 to 15 minutes of a photo shoot and go stand in their pictures prompting them to move. Larry was very calm about the photo shoots but Debbie used up all of her stink eyes. Once when Debbie was standing by the rail looking at the view, a man sat in her seat and told her to get out of way so that he could take a picture without getting up. Needless to say, he moved quite quickly to another section of the boat. Debbie doesn’t understand why all the selfies instead of enjoying nature’s beauty.
Despite the rant about the selfies, the views were spectacular. Once complete, Debbie and Larry ate lunch in Flam. There were no cruise ships in that day so it was not crowded. They leisurely took the 20 minute ride back to Gudvagen and the car with high fives all around.
Hey, we are going on a the ferry ride!
Viking King!
No, I am the Valkeriy queen with a better stink eye
This is my ship
The electric ship
Doesn’t Debbie look like a sailor in that jacket?
She took off her jacket and pushed her mother around for a better picture
At least 4 photo shoot sessions with red roses props
No selfie stick here
On the way to Flam
Beautiful views not selfies
Larry is blocking a photo shoot with his head
Great view
Is that Undredal where Debbie tried to make Larry drive to?
Since today was a rain day with little action other than walks around the neighborhood, we thought that we would share an interesting fact about Norway. Larry has noticed Teslas all over Norway and there is a reason.
The Norwegian parliament has set a 2025 goal for all new cars to have zero emissions and offers big incentives. Buyers escape heavy import or purchase taxes and are also exempt from 25% VAT. They also avoid road tax, road tolls, pay half price on ferries, get free municipal parking in cities and can usually use bus lanes. (Those are some impressive incentives since tolls are everywhere). The cars use electricity rather than fuel which is much cheaper than gas or diesel. Cars can be charged at home on a 220 and there are charging stations everywhere.
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Church across the street
Creek (Probably called something else in Norwegian).
HHR: We heard that you have moved from LeMans racing to a different type of transportation. Is this true?
Larry: Well, Debbie and I were ready to explore and just felt that the train was an option that needed to be explored.
Debbie: When we got up early this morning, we found that it was foggy. We felt that the train would be a good option for a foggy day. Although, we did lay back down to give the fog time to dissipate so got a little bit later start.
HHR: Where did you begin your train trip?
Larry: We caught the train in Flam.
HHR: Isn’t Flam know for its fjords? So, wouldn’t that mean a cruise on the fjord instead of a train ride?
Debbie: Well, it could but you need to realize that this article is about trains. Perhaps, you should focus on the topic of trains. We are answering questions about our train ride. We noticed a cruise ship was in Flam and thought that a train ride would give all those tourists an opportunity to get close up and personal with Michael Schumacher Larry Eng. We took the train from Flam to Myrdal and back again.
HHR: How were the views from the train?
Larry: We went through 20 tunnels. We noticed that the right side of the train had magnificent views for most of the trip while the left side featured the tunnel cut of the boulders or close up of trees. The left did have a couple of views.
HHR: So the left side basically saw rocks and trees.
Debbie: Yes
HHR: Which side did you sit on? The main ingredients of this root complex are Rhodiola Rosea, Tongkat Ali, Cynomorium cialis prices Songaricum, Siberian Ginseng, Leuzea Carthamoides, Saw Palmetto, Muira Pauma, Damiana, Schisandra Chinensis, Chuchuhuasi, Cayenne, Guarana Seed, Grape Seed, and Kwaopet. It is crucial that they know your medical history buy generic viagra click this website and physical examinations of the patient and the following tests: Blood tests. If needed more of hot milk can be added to get required levitra cost low consistency. These are exceptional pill and having the same parts levitra without prescription to make the similar impact. Debbie: The left side. I thought that it would turn around and the sides would flip but the train had an engine on each end. We don’t want to talk about it.
HHR: Were you ever able to sit on the right side?
Larry: As a matter of fact, we did. Debbie did a great job negotiating a trade (Almost too good – too friendly).
Debbie: Well, I made friends with the people across the row and invited them to come over and take pictures anytime the left side had a view. They suggested switching at Myrdal which we did.
HHR: Did you make any stops?
Debbie: Right before Myrdal, the train stops at a waterfall and we exited the train. It is pretty impressive but what is even more impressive was when a loud speaker started playing a song sung by a Norwegian woman. I think she was singing “Get on the Train, Get on the Train”
HHR: Larry, why did you say Debbie was almost too friendly?
Larry: Well, after we switched sides this other woman kept running up to Debbie’s window and taking pictures over her head. She would stand there until we went into one of those 20 tunnels and then sit down. Debbie was ready to give a stink eye until I reminded her that we were being gracious on this trip.
Debbie: The fog had lifted, we made a lot of friends, and there were plenty of great views. I would take the train again.
Larry: It was fun sitting back and letting someone else drive. Although, I might be up for driving the train next time.
After the Le Mans yesterday, Debbie and Larry decided to go hiking. They chose the Skjervsfossen waterfall as the hiking location. It consists of two falls in succession, and drops 150 meters. Larry drove to the waterfall and Debbie tried to lead them into the woods. Larry’s reaction time for turning was incredible. They turned as soon as GPS/Debbie called it and ended up in the woods. Debbie tried to blow it off and get out of the car to hike to the waterfall through the forest. (Larry had to slow her roll down and get her back in the car.) After they regrouped, they found the correct parking lot and began the hike.
Norway has upgraded their parks and park bathrooms. The bathroom was awesome. The floor had a view of the river. Larry and Debbie spent a long time in the bathroom taking pictures.
Larry and Debbie began their hike at the top of the waterfall. There were stone steps all the way to the bottom of the waterfall. It was a great hike with a historic German outpost included. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful hike to the bottom.
Unfortunately, the pair had to go back up to the top of the waterfalls. It was a beautiful day for a hike. They had a great time walking down hundreds of rock steps. They mistakenly thought that this was a circle hike and that there was a short cut back up to the waterfalls. (Ha ha ha – Did they think that could fly back up to the top?) They tried walking up the road but determined that it involved multiple switchbacks and was much longer. So, nope – that didn’t work. They ended up climbing back up the stones. Debbie might have said some inappropriate words again until she couldn’t talk any more from the climb. At least there were plenty of big steps to sit on and rest.
The Lessons Learned of the hike was that there needs to be more consideration before running merrily down a trail. At the end, Larry and Debbie visited the bathrooms in order to stare at the water and regain their calm and aurora. This can lead to chemical imbalances that might ultimately lead up to ED issue. viagra online in uk However, not all people viagra soft tablet are able to do your sexual activities at your own pace. Kamagra tablets are a great boon to both consumers and vendors, creating a cottage industry of female viagra pills vendors. People all over the globe have used Karlovy Vary tadalafil canadian check out these guys healing mineral water are what the body needs.
This is the view from the bathroom. Awesome right?
Larry before we started
They are smilig – must be at the top of the waterfall
Our hard hitting reporter (HHR) is back to interview Debbie and Larry on their recent Le Mans race from Oslo to Vossestrand. It was a 7 hour motor race across Norway.
HHR: How did prepare for the race?
Larry: Well, I channeled Michael Schulmacher and ran the race in my head. I dreamed about making the tight turns and wore a racing cap when I drove.
Debbie: I studied the instructions and entered the navigation information in three systems so we would have backup. I packed the cooler but had no ice. (The last place that we stayed had no freezer. How is that possible?) I felt tremendous pressure if we let the cold stuff melt. I did not wear a racing cap and had bad dreams about the race.
HHR: Do you have any special race day superstitions?
Larry: Well, I gave away our unused metro tickets to a young man on the street. (Debbie says that he will be shocked when it flashes up Senior ticket and he is carried off to jail for fraud.)
Debbie: I ask for patience and good will during the drive. I also wore my lucky socks that Lindsey gave me.
HHR: How was the first part of the drive?
Larry: A major route is comprised of what seems like never ending switchbacks swaying from left to right, left to right and on and on along with round abouts. I learned that their speed limit is matched to the entrance and exit of each curve. The curves were in a series of 2 to 4 curves. I loved the way the car flung about from side to side. I just wished it wasn’t a station wagon.
HHR: Debbie what was your role in the first part?
Debbie: Well, I tried to keep the three GPS systems in sync and respond quickly to shouted instructions. I did spend several moments hiding in the bottom of the car. I am thankful that the car was a station wagon. I did not love the way that the car flung about. This occurs due to the PDE-5 inhibitor which inhibits the secretion of a male hormone testosterone that controls libido. levitra generika Health Benefits of cheapest cialis Medication cialis medication such as Kamagra and Sildenafil tablets online. Sometimes things such as depression and anxiety could cause the substances to be out of balance and that means that the body weight should be cheap viagra keep evenly on both heels. This develops a circumstances where most of the people on the USENET are subscribed to newsgroups since they desire to participate in them rather than simply wanting to cause trouble. discount generic viagra HHR: Did you make any stops?
Debbie: I was able to get Larry to stop by mentioning street tires. We pulled over at my favorite, Circle K, and I had another hot dog for lunch. We were also able to purchase a cold pack for the cooler that could double as a cold pack for me when I felt faint. Then we began the 2nd part or our trip.
Larry: The second part included tunnels. The tunnels were several kilometers long. The tunnels are narrow with speeds that feels very fast with no shoulders often passing buses and 18 wheeler. I was totally focused in the tunnels. No drinking, changing the radio station, or texting in the tunnels.
HHR: Debbie, how did you feel about the tunnels?
Debbie: Well, I had a tight grip on the door handle and my eyes shut as tightly as possible. You know people say that “Hate” is a strong word but sometimes it just fits the situation. I was also alarmed by the sheep on the road when we shot out of the tunnels. Despite the pictures, we did not hit any of them.
HHR: How did the race end?
Debbie: We had some issues finding the finish line (house). It was with surprise, that we found that the house is in the back of an Esso station. What a fitting finish line. (You can’t make this stuff up).
HHR: How did you like the winner’s house?
Debbie: The house is strangely built. It is somewhat square with light switches in different rooms from the lights. We carry around flashlights so we don’t get lost. I have managed to hose down the bathroom a couple of times with the shower head. We stopped taking pictures after a while. There are 3 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 family areas, and two dining tables. Plenty of room for a victory party.
HHR: After the check-in, Larry and Debbie drove to the next town, Voss to the grocery store. Debbie drove back saying inappropriate words at all the round-abouts well if she is honest all the way back.
Michael Schumaker or Larry Eng?
Le Mans Race car
A church along the way
View of the mountains
Views along the way
A dreaded tunnel
Inside the dreaded tunnel
We did not hit these sheep
More sheep laying by the side of the road
Norway Fjords
Le Mans prize view
Our flat – see the Esso station
Outside of the flat. Esso is at the front
First dining room
Hallway to the bedrooms – flashlight required
More front room
Front Room
Second dining room. Debbie is planning on big parties
First Bedroom
1st bathroom – see hose Debbie uses to wet the entire room
Debbie and Larry had one day left to see Oslo. They knew that Joyce was counting on them to do it right. Now that they had successfully conquered the train, they rode the train to the bus to the Folklore Museum with minimal effort. They were even first off the bus. Cultural Moment: This museum incorporates a large open-air museum with more than 150 buildings, relocated from towns and rural districts. Debbie thought this place was awesome. It had some really cool buildings that had been moved from all over Norway. The next stop was the Viking Museum. Cultural Moment: The Viking Ship Museum has two Viking ships that were buried as part of Viking burials. The ships were found buried on farms. (Debbie was sorry that they did not have an outfit for her to wear. They did find out that Vikings did not wear horns on their helmets. So all you Minnesota Vikings break those horns off).
Without Joyce to direct them, Debbie and Larry were having some issues finding places to eat. (Debbie refuses to eat shrimp and fish sandwiches). They went back to the train station to eat. (Joyce if you are reading this – look what has happened to them? The train station?)
They began their afternoon with a trip to the Opera House. You can walk to the roof of the Opera House which they did. The Opera house is right on the waterfront. The two walked up the main drag from the train station to the Royal Palace. First stop was the Oslo Cathedral. Cultural Moment: Oslo Cathedral is the main church for the Church of Norway Diocese of Oslo, and is used for weddings and funerals by the Norwegian Royal Family. Most exciting of all, the church was open. (it was a Sunday).
They were most impressed with the statue of Christian IV, the Danish king who ruled Norway around 1600. He named the city Christiania after himself. It was renamed to Oslo in 1925. (Maybe Deborahina would be a good name?).
They marched past the Parliament building (closed) on their way to the Royal Palace with Debbie declaring every building passed as City Hall. Each time that they wanted to stop the other one said. “Well, we won’t be in Oslo again.” and kept walking. They made it to the Royal Palace with a selfie as proof. It is quick dissolving and fast acting medication and hence it accompanies a rundown sildenafil generic viagra of security measures to be taken after. Physiotherapy viagra sample free has been a well-known treatment for many disabilities and dysfunctions throughout years. If you have been the victim of cheap cialis 5mg a dog attack, contact a dogbite attorney soon after the incident. viagra uk Rather, you drink pomegranate juice or you just like a permanent solution to erectile dysfunction.
They finished the day with City Hall. (Debbie finally found it right before they closed). Debbie ran into the building before they could lock the door. She then joined a tour group to see the second floor. Larry was awed about the joining of the tour group. There are massive murals on the first floor of City Hall that illustrates the history of Norway of the first part of the 20th century. The Nobel Peace Prize is also awarded here.
After City Hall, the two limped back home in anticipation of leaving Oslo (Deborahia). Larry wants Joyce back as she doesn’t make Larry walk as much.