The name of our hikes are included in case readers want to recreate the hikes. Tasha and Bryan graciously came to Sedona from Flagstaff to take the group on the Broken Arrow hike. At first, the hike was red mud but eventually turned into a rocky trail that everyone liked. It was rocky enough for jeeps to drive on part of the trails. Debbie had counted 25 plus jeeps in the Pink Lady’s inventory and after seeing them drive understood why so many jeeps. Bryan shared a lot of useful information about the environment during the hike while Tasha kept us on task. Debbie had enough red mud on her feet to wear sacks over her shoes on the way home. Luckily, Bryan and Tasha had left before the sacks came out as Debbie’s coolness factor would have dipped significantly.
As the hike continued, weather bulletins began to come in warning of heavy snow in Flagstaff and up to 8 inches in Sedona the next afternoon. The group began to worry as they were scheduled for Sedona for four more days.

There have been some disputes between one of the photographers and the reporter over panoramic shots. The reporter could not use the panoramic pictures that the photographers insisted on taking. Happily, this has been resolved by diligent research by our reporter. See the panoramic view below or if you don’t see it “Oops, it didn’t work”.
Oops, it didn’t work. No panoramic view. Maybe I can just stitch together some of your “views along the way”?