2019-10-08 Danube

Even though Larry and Debbie had been to Budapest 3 times in the last few days, they didn’t really get to visit. (Remember the Romanian adventure?)

They began the Budapest tour with a cruise on the Danube. There were few people on a cruise early in the morning and the cruise provided two drinks. The English translation was also done by a native speaker so check marks for that.

After the cruise, the four went to the Market which our buddy Rick Steves (Everyone carries around his tour guide) really likes. It got a 3 or 2 star. The group felt the market was an overall bust plus the nasty Hungarians charge for the toilets. Rick must like sausage and paprika as that seemed to be the more prevalent items for sale. The group ate in the most expensive tourist eatery there (Joyce thinks Debbie needs to remember that she is a Les Cheap girl. However, Debbie insisted on sitting not standing which limited choices.) The Hungarian goulash was very good and the bathrooms were part of the deal so count that into the mix.

Debbie and Larry were also able to buy a suitcase to send back with Charlie loaded with all the extra stuff they brought. Charlie had graciously volunteered to bring it back. So look out friends and family if you get a yellow suitcase for Christmas. It will be imported from Europe just for you!

They finished off the day with a tour of St. Stephen’s. Cultural Moment: St. Stephen’s Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in Budapest, Hungary. It is named in honor of Stephen, the first King of Hungary, whose right hand is housed in the reliquary. 

Debbie thought she missed the whole hand thing but turns out that she took a picture of it but didn’t know what it was.. The hand leads a parade every year. (A fact that we thought you would want to know). Turns out Larry got an even better photo.

Turns out that our flat has no heat. It is probably pay back for Debbie laughing at the people in Zagreb with no heat. She is sorry that she laughed in Zagreb. The landlord did come over the to turn on the heat but it was broken in Debbie and Larry’s room. There were also signs everywhere to be quiet and no parties allowed written in black magic marker. The group had no parties but would have.

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