The group began with a bakery to go for breakfast. They started out for the Bosnian border with a test. Each morning, there is a check as to where the group is, where they are going for the day and can one touch their passport. Larry often has trouble with these questions. Today was a day that Dan had to pull over to search the car for a passport. Not saying who.
Once the group passed into Bosnia, Dan took a shortcut. Dan swears that he knows right where he is all the time. Unfortunately, the shortcut didn’t quite work out. A couple of key turns were missed but the group backtracked and were found. ( Does this mean that Dan knew this?)
History Moment: The Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. The war started in 1992,and ended in 1995. The main belligerents were the forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those of the self-proclaimed Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat entities within Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Herzeg-Bosnia. The war was part of the breakup of Yugoslavia.
While driving through the countryside, one could see evidence of the war. Abondoned buildings,, damaged buildings, etc. The group reached Stolac with little incident other then Charlie claiming a Bosnian rock for his collection. (Debbie did not know he had a collection. He and Mia can compare) In Stolac without too much trouble, they found the grave that they were tracking.
Next stop was Mostar. They were in search of a Jewish cemetery. The group had latitude and longitude (Degrees and minutes but not seconds). They parked in the middle of a neighborhood and spread out but no luck. The group went to a gas station to regroup and for Dan to wash his car after the one lane short cut.
Everyone decided to go to Mostar for lunch and to see the Old Bridge. Dan took the car via a tiny one lane road that required people to come out of their houses and wave Dan through. Debbie fought the urge to get on the bottom of the car. She also thinks that one should not believe everything GPS tells one.
Now here is where Debbie fell off the track with the bridge. It was destroyed in the war and rebuilt so Debbie thought some massive bridge with cars and people going over it. No, she was wrong. It is a pedestrian bridge with stalls on either side. It reminds Debbie of a middle eastern market. Debbie also feels that way too many people were on the bridge.
On the bridge, this man (who is way to old to have this job) in a speedo runs up and down asking for money for someone to jump off the bridge. He gets way to close in Debbie’s opinion actually the whole group’s opinion. He and his speedo get in people’s personal space. He doesn’t actually jump. He seems to be some type of accountant type collecting money. (Jennifer, Debbie forbids you to ever have a job like this). After the appropriate amount of money is collected some young guy comes out and jumps.
They ate lunch in Mostar and were sent based on a hot tip to the local cemetery. ( This cemetery has a flower store so that you can buy flowers for the cemetery. Open all the time. Just thought you might like that fact). Anyway Charlie’s German helped locate the Jewish cemetery. It was directly across from the gas station where the group had sat and discussed what to do. (Perhaps these people aren’t good candidates for the Amazing Race). The key to the cemetery was kept at the gas station. Debbie documented and posted a picture for the next person trying to find this.
Then back to Split bypassing shortcuts and one lane roads this time.
Damaged from the war -
Our shortcut -
Stolac Cemetery -
Does this look narrow? Well it is. -
The market -
Mostar -
Another view of Mostar -
View from the bridge -
See the guy jumping? -
This is the famous bridge -
Does this look like vegetable chowder to you? Debbie thinks not -
View of the cemetery from the gas stations -
Holocaust memorial -
Split hotel -
Loaded up -
Villa Ana