2021-05-10 – The Move

A few months ago there was a mudslide that onto the freeway in California.  The state of California has began to repair.  Here is the plan. The road closes for two hours both ways and then open for one way traffic for an hour.  This causes long delays. Thus, the car was loaded and on the road by 8:00 to beat the 2-hour wait.  They bid goodbye to the “Country Club” and left for a new Redwood Destination.  Lucky Joyce had done her homework.   They made it through with no delays.

Signs for mystery trees were everywhere.  They quizzed for the name “Mystery Trees”.  Why are they called mystery trees?

Joyce:  Says it sounds mysterious.

Larry:  No one knows where they came from

Debbie:  I don’t have to play because I am writing this paper

Jerry:    It is a marketing tool

Answer:  There is a commercial redwood park. It really doesn’t mean anything. Jerry lucked into the correct answer – mystery solved

Next Question:  What was Paul Bunyan’s blue ox called?  (There was a statue of a blue ox and Paul –  2 stories high)

Joyce:  I have no idea

Larry:  Bessie

Debbie:  Blue Ox

Jerry:  Babe

Answer:  Babe(Larry says that he said Babe but that is not what Debbie remembers.) Again, she is writing the article.

One of the most interesting activities was the Drive Thru Tree.  One pays their $5.00 and drives up to a drive thru tree from the 50s.  They lined up the car, Jerry and Larry exited the car and the first attempt was made with Joyce as the driver and Debbie as the navigator– Fail.  Joyce backed out and two cars one with kids standing and waving hands out of their moon roof zipped through.

At this point, shocking action was taken.  Debbie was fired.  Yes, fired!  She was asked to exit the car and replaced by Larry.  Jerry directed from the outside – Debbie sulked as she took pictures of the successful pass thru.

 They continued to the Redwood Park where Elk Prairie Lane where Debbie saw her first elk.   The lane lived up to it’s name. Debbie thinks the Elk like her.

2 thoughts on “2021-05-10 – The Move”

  1. I cannot believe that Debbie was fired as navigator. I remember her being an excellent navigator. Especially in California. And full of excellent advice, like you cannot drive around at night with the interior car light on or people will think you are a woman of ill repute. Note sure about the legitimacy of that one, and thankfully it does not apply to the Drive Thru Tree.

    1. I know. Debbie gives excellent advice and that tip is totally correct. Debbie sulked most of the day and tried to push Larry out of the front seat. She is feeling better now.

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