Aaron had so much fun with the group dune bugging that the next weekend he brought the boys, Noodle and Leo, and Lindsey with him to Redmond.
A golfing powerhouse of Jerry, Larry, Lindsey and Aaron played 9 holes of golf on Saturday morning. They reported an excellent game. There was no declared winner and unfortunately, no pictures. As they drove down the course, the ball was spotted at the closest to the cup for each hole.
Debbie has doubts about the powerhouse nomenclature. Lindsey had never played before and said that they spotted from her ball most of the time. Debbie was able to find a picture from an earlier outing with Mia which shows the usual seriousness of their golfing.
In the afternoon, everyone but Larry played Pickelball. (He was designated dog sitter). What is Pickelball? Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and ping pong. It is playing ping pong with people as the paddles. (Debbie’s description). Debbie likes to play a lot. Aaron and Lindsey are very good. Debbie makes Aaron be her partner or play with his left hand. It is not Debbie’s fault that Jerry and Joyce did not know to choose partners quickly. Everyone did well except we caught Lindsey trying to doze off after her golf game.
Lindsey and Aaron surprised Debbie and Joyce with treats fresh from Bend for Mother’s Day. Debbie had her favorite chocolate croissant and got a coupon from Aaron to be her pickelball partner. She was very pleased and knows that she has another handmade card from Mia waiting at home.
Next stop – Redwood National Park