Today was a lazy day as everyone got up late (at least for Joyce and Jerry). They typically get up at the crack of dawn. The group ate a late lunch and played with their new found freedom from all Italian speaking tv. Did you know that show availability on Netflix and Prime is different in Europe?
Debbie and Joyce decided to go to the beach. They felt that they were Mediterranean beach worthy. Joyce was able to show off her negotiation skills for a better deal for 2 chairs and an umbrella. (It’s not like the guy was busy. Both got their feet wet but the sand is actually little rocks and aren’t fun to be pelted with. The water has a rock bottom so you have to watch where you step.
They thought that they were going to see an exciting Baywatch style water rescue. The life guard went running down the beach into the water and grabbed a lady’s arm. With assist from a couple of people, the life guard got her up and showed the lady the proper entrance to the bay through the rocks which seemed to solve the issue.
The beaches had very few vendors approaching beach goers. There was one lady with her equipment offering massages on the beach. The two passed.
Most exciting of all was that they found green sea glass. What is sea glass you ask? Educational Moment: Sea glass is physically and chemically weathered glass found on beaches along bodies of salt water. These weathering processes produce natural frosted glass. Joyce and Debbie were the most excited by the green sea glass. Of course, they did realize that they were probably looking at green beer bottle glass. It did keep Debbie entertained for the afternoon as she envisioned beer bottles being tossed off the yachts.