Historic Moment: Lucca is known as an Italian (City of Art) because of its intact Renaissance-era city walls and its very well preserved historic center, where, among other buildings and monuments, are located.
The group left Larry at the apartment and started exploring the city. The Chiesa di San Michele i Foro was two blocks away from where they stayed. History Moment: San Michele is a Roman Catholic basilica church built over the ancient Roman forum. The group is staying two blocks from San Michele and within the walled city which is well maintained.
The streets are narrow and one has to watch out for cars and bikes. Debbie is convinced that she will be taken out by a bike. No one rings their bike bell and the bikes often ride close to the walkers. It is a game of chicken or similar to Native American counting coup. Educational Moment: Key to a man’s success in Plains Indian combat was demonstrating courage by proving superiority over one’s opponent by counting coup. This was best accomplished by charging the enemy on foot or horseback to get close enough to touch or strike him with the hand, a weapon, or a “coupstick.” Debbie feels that there may be some counting coup going on with bikes charging the walkers.
The three walked through the city, visited some churches and purchased desserts for everyone to try out. They ended the day with a walk around the city on the wall with the residents and all of the city’s dogs.
They are happy to report no bikes hit them today.