It was time to tell Florence goodbye and move to Siena. Once again, Joyce had us organized (somewhat). The group caught the city bus to the train station. The Florence train station is large and loud, teeming with people and pick pocket warnings. It isn’t as straight forward as one might think. The track number gets assigned right before the train arrives.
Once assigned, the track appears on the board. Our travelers stood huddled around their luggage peering up at the departure board waiting for their track number to appear while people flowed around them. Once the track appeared, one of the travelers yelled out the track number and the race was on. They ran to the track rolling (aka dragging) their suitcases behind while trying to keep an eye on the person ahead of them and find the correct car. Once they found the car and slung their bags up and got them secured, the group sat down with much relief. Florence train station is not for the faint of heart.
Once they got to Siena to get to the apartment, they used the escalator inside Porta Siena (shopping center) opposite Siena train station. They went up the first 2 escalators, then 2 travellators and then another 2 escalators. They are wide escalators which fit two people side by side. Here’s an interesting fact, your baggage can roll back down a travellator causing extreme excitement to the owner. The escalators are about double the length of one that you see in the US.
Historic moment: Siena is an eminent medieval city with a UNESCO-listed historic center. Surrounded by a well-preserved 1,000-year-old wall,
The flat is smaller but in a good location.

So who was the person that’s luggage went rolling back down?
That would be Debbie