2018-02-12 Star Light, Star Bright

Still pumped from their 5 mile hike, the Paradise Homies (PH) decided to go star-gazing on Mauna Kea.  Cultural Moment:  Mauna Kea  is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii. Standing 4,207 m (13,802 ft) above sea level.  With its high elevation, dry environment, and stable airflow, Mauna Kea’s summit is one of the best sites in the world for astronomical observation. Since the creation of an access road in 1964, thirteen telescopes funded by eleven countries have been constructed at the summit. The Mauna Kea Observatories are used for scientific research across the electromagnetic spectrum and comprise the largest such facility in the world.

There is a 14.7 mile road to the top.  The visitor center is located at mile 6 and at an elevation of 9200 feet.  It is an excellent place to view the stars and acclimate to the elevation so that you don’t get altitude sickness.  (Altitude sickness –  A throbbing headache, lack of appetite, nausea that may cause vomiting,  feeling weak and dizzy).  After the visitor’s center, it is  5 miles of unpaved road.  This is followed by a paved road of 3.7 miles.

Luckily, our excellent reporter was able to snag an interview with the Paradise Homies.

Hard hitting (HH) Reporter:  Is it true that you drove to the top of Mauna Kea?

Aaron:  Why yes,  it is.  We stopped at the visitor’s center for a few minutes and saw that 4 wheel drives could go to the top.  I thought – we have a big old honker truck that is a 4 wheel drive so asked the group if they wanted to go?

Michelle:  “We said Let’s do it!”

Heva:  “Let’s do it!”

HH Reporter:  How was the trip?

Aaron:  “Great!  It was super!”

HH Reporter:  It is documented that trucks have fallen off the road.

Lindsey:  I knew it!  I knew it!  I knew it!

HH Reporter:  “Were you afraid for your safety?”

Michelle:  “I hid in the bottom of the truck and thought that I might throw up.”.

Lindsey:  “I cried and begged to turn around. ”
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Heva:  “Driving down the road was worse than going up.  It was really cold”.

Aaron:  “It was fine.  I don’t know what they are talking about.  Look at those awesome pictures.  Obviously, they are disoriented from the altitude sickness”

HH Repoerter:  “Should the Silver Surfers make the trip?”

Aaron:  “Absolutely.  It is a once in a life-time experience”

Lindsey:  “No, my Mom is susceptible to motion and altitude sickness.  She has also proven that she can’t throw up in a plastic bag in a splashing incident with Leo.  She is a fraidy cat.  My uncle has said that she used to cry at night in the car between towns until they came to the light and it was very annoying.  It would not be pleasant for the other Surfers.  No, Mom don’t do it!”

Michelle:  “Just leave your Mom at home.  Just do it!”

Once PH made it to the top, they reported only one other car in the parking lot that left as soon as possible.  There were amazing views and very cold weather.  It was a scary ride back down.  It will be difficult to convince all of the Silver Surfers (Debbie) to take that trip.  A closing song and wish is below.

Start light, star bright,

First star I see tonight

I wish I may, I wish I might

Have the wish I wish tonight

Wish:  Get off this dang mountain

2017-09-26 Hiking Retry

After the somewhat doubtful first attempt at hiking in Switzerland, the group was ready to try again.  They rode the cog train up the mountain with the goal of hiking to a couple of lakes, hike along a ridge and possibly hike back to Villars.  Ambitious?  Optimistic?  You bet! (Debbie suggests delusional).

They took plenty of pictures during the train ride.   After about two minutes of hiking if that, they found the first lake.  None of you would call it a lake.  It looked more like a Texas cow tank.  The group couldn’t get over it. They argued over whether this could really be called a lake.  Take a look and see what you think.  Lake or tank?

Joyce had a dream come true on this hike.  She got to hike with the cows.  It took her a little while to become friends and make eye contact but after a while she was talking to them and waving.  The hiked past the cows and on to the so called Big Lake.  They did have the option of purchasing a 49 Euro burger meal at the lake which Les Cheap Girls declined.  Joyce did have to restrain Debbie from running over to the chalkboard and erasing the 49 Euro.

Next on the check off list was the ridge.  However, the Swiss signs did them in again.  The ridge signs disappeared.  They hiked up to a cabin, meditated (another word for caught their breath) and walked back to the beginning of the trail.

After another rest break and lunch, they spotted the ridge.  It was very steep.  Joyce mentioned taking the train back to the bottom.  (Debbie secretly did a little dance for joy).  Joyce was very sad because she really wanted to go to the ridge because she heard it might have “Fantastic views”.   Joyce suggested that there be a vote.  Debbie and Larry were hemming and hawing until at the top of the ridge a couple appeared.  The group decided to see how long it took the couple to descend.  That couple came down lickety split and the worst things were that they had on street shoes, no sticks and were about 10 years older than the four.  At this point, the decision was made.  The group was shamed into the hike.

Jerry took off up the ridge with the other three trailing behind.  Soon they lost sight of Jerry and decided to get off the steep gravel road.  (Debbie did not want to fall down in front of an audience and thought falling in the grass might look somewhat planned.  We can’t explain her reasoning. )  They eventually made it to the ridge but not the highest point.  Debbie, Joyce and Larry decided that they were not going to the top.  However, Jerry was lost.

They waited awhile and hiked half way down and then sent Larry to check the bottom.  The group can’t say that they yodeled in the Alps but they can say that they yelled.

Larry:  “I found Jerry”

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Larry:  “That is him”

Joyce:  “He doesn’t have a red shirt on”

Jerry:  “Yes, I do”.

A suggestion to Joyce is to take a picture of Jerry everyday so that she will know what he is wearing.  Jerry swears that he went to the very top.  The other three don’t know how he slipped past them so there is a conspiracy theory that he hid behind the house halfway up.  Jerry had been ready to get on the train and leave the other 3 behind. (Tip to Jerry – we are pretty sure that would have been a bad thing to do especially if they had to wait 2 more hours for the next train).

Speaking of the train, they needed to catch the 1:30 train or would have to wait for 2 more hours.  Joyce and Debbie ran down the hill shouting “The Train, The Train!”  (Imagine Fantasy Island the plane, the plane).  It is now 1:30.  They arrive at the train to hear Jerry shout “Larry is in the bathroom!”.  (Debbie had visions of hiking home).

Debbie raced toward the bathroom until she saw Larry.  Then she began shouting “Run, Larry, Run.  The Train!”  Then she whirled around with Larry in tow and they took off like bats out of hell for the train.  They both jumped on the train just in time.  At first, the conductor was a bit stunned by all this action but then he got a good chuckle out of the whole experience.

2017-08-30 Fourth Day in Captivity

Still no baggage but Joyce has the name of a supervisor.  He has assured Joyce that her bag is in Berlin and they will be calling her to schedule a time.  Multiple phones have been drawn into the process.  Debbie was on high alert as her phone works better than some.  Again – if Joyce is not happy – no one is happy.

The group picked up where they left off the day before on touring World War II historic sites.  Again it was a very sobering day.

  • DDR Watch Tower – This was a Berlin wall watchtower. The solid, type “BT 6” watchtower with rifle loopholes was manned by two guards in 8 hour shifts.
  • Berlin Wall Memorial – Fragments of the Berlin wall along with the history of the wall
  • Topography of Terror Museum – This site is on the site of the Secret State Police and the Reich SS. The mandate is to document the history on the terror, inspire visitors to engage actively with the history and the consequences’ after 1945.
  • Checkpoint Charlie – Checkpoint Charlie was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War manned by the Americans. (Totally commercialized with actors charging for pictures –  It is insulting to the people that lived through this – just my opinion)
  • Bebelplatz – Book burning memorial
  • Hedwig’s Church – The Cathedral parish of St Hedwig is the oldest Roman-catholic parish of the Archdiocese and located in the center of Berlin. Since it was Catholic instead of Protestant, the location was not prime.
  • New Guardhouse (Neue Wache) – It serves as the “Central Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Victims of War and Dictatorship”
  • Lustgarten – A park on museum island. At various times in its history, the park has been used as a parade ground, a place for mass rallies and a public park
  • Berlin Church – The magnificent dome of the CathedralChurch (Berliner Dom) is one of the main landmarks in Berlin. (This was not visited as it goes against the rule of paying to enter a church)
  • Marien Church – One of the oldest churches in Berlin and is located in what was formerly East Berlin

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A few comments about the day

  • No call from the baggage company to set up a time to deliver
  • No call from the guy that was supposed to manage the process of finding the luggage
  • Debbie circled the block like a drunken sailor while trying to figure out how to make Google Maps work
  • Joyce lost her phone
  • Joyce ran back down the road looking for her phone
  • Joyce found her phone
  • Debbie came back from the day covered in a film of sweat from one hot day and Debbie doesn’t sweat
  • Debbie told the bakery lady to give her drei (3) but held up 2 fingers for zwei.  Larry will not let it go.   Debbie was just confused.
  • Joyce tried to find a doctor for new prescriptions (Don’t go there about carrying prescriptions in your baggage if you don’t want a stink eye).  You have to visit a doctor before you can get a prescription
  • Joyce is still not happy therefore  no one is happy.

Silver Falls

Lindsey had better control over her parental units the second day.  She had them up, dressed, fed, lunches packed and ready to go by 8:30 in the morning.  Debbie even had a backpack.  (Debbie was severely reprimanded the day before when she tried to get other people to carry her stuff.   There was talk about sending her to time out the day before.)    The goal for the day was Silver Falls State Park.  Cultural Moment: Silver Falls is called the “crown jewel” of the Oregon State Parks system.  Its beauty, boundless recreational opportunities and historic presence keep it as the crown jewel. Nestled in the foothills of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains, less than an hour east of the state capital of Salem, the sprawling 9,200 acre property is the largest state park in Oregon, and one of the most popular.  Debbie and Larry were stoked (Do you like how Debbie worked in some cool language?).  Lindsey had promised 10 yes 10 waterfalls all in a circular route.  Crown Jewel?  Yes!

Things were going great.  They were in Lindsey’s new car.  Debbie was thinking of busting out in song (Not really – Debbie just wants you to think that she can sing.).  As the group approached the last 10 miles to the park, their car came to a long slow line behind a truck with a flashing sign.  WET PAINT –  DO NOT PASS going (wait for it) 5 miles an hour.  Debbie shrewdly calculated that  put them 2 hours away from the park.  (Debbie was a math major and is available to calculate although it can be annoying).   Yes, the state was striping the road with bright yellow paint.   As Lindsey’s car rounded the corner, they spotted a local resident taking a short cut.  In a cloud of dust, the group followed the resident down the country lane.  There were high 5’s when they came out ahead of the pack.   They sped down the road to suddenly come upon another truck with a flashing sign WET PAINT – DO NOT PASS.  Seriously, two trucks?  They had successfully jockeyed themselves into the second car behind the paint and escort truck.  The car inched along until the escort truck stopped and the driver got out.  He walked over to the side of the road, got out his camera and took pictures of the cars behind him which included Lindsey’s car.  (Remember, she was car number 2).   Debbie kept shouting “ We didn’t pass the truck”.  Debbie was prepared to get out to take a reciprocal picture of the paint truck but Larry and Lindsey threatened her with time out.

The group arrived at the crown jewel and parked just as the paint crew pulled off to rest.  The group  pulled up about the same time as several school buses.  The three examined Lindsey’s new car and were able to understand why the drive was taking pictures.  The group was sad and a little depressed with their findings. They set off towards the first falls down a really nice path without all the mud from the day before.  As they got to the turnoff to the first falls the path and road intersected.  Debbie noticed that the paint entourage had started up again.   Debbie flagged down one of the paint trucks and asked how to remove the paint.  This action made the driver extremely nervous.  He kept telling Debbie to be careful standing in the middle of the road.  (Turned out it was his first day at work).  Debbie kept repeating that we did not pass.  After much radioing back and forth with Debbie refusing to get out of  the middle of the road.  (She was hoping that she could talk on the radio and say 10-4 or over and out.  Did not happen) .  The answer was a car wash as soon as possible.  The three decided that they would go to one waterfall and then on a quest for a car wash.  They started down the path to the first waterfall and down again and down some more.  A decision was made to  “abort” as they were going to have to hike back up the  downward path and then back a mile.

The quest began after the picnic lunch surrounded by high school kids from the buses.  The drive to Salem retraced their route through the new paint.  The group discovered that cars did not pass the escort truck but  saw evidence of swerving over the line.  There were many cars that have the yellow mark of shame driving around Oregon.  The three headed off for the nearest car wash with Debbie clutching her phone with Google maps shouting out directions.   They arrived at the busy car wash. (No they weren’t all washing off yellow paint).  As the car wash bay cleared,  another truck tried to pull into our bay.  Lindsey whipped in and jumped out of the car to stake her claim.  Lindsey won the car wash show down making Larry and Debbie so proud.

Debbie tried to give suggestions to clean the car.  Lindsey and Larry suggested that Debbie stay in the car and not help.  They did a great job cleaning the car.  Luckily, Debbie was not sensitive and understood that the paint fumes must have gotten to the other two.  She did think that they might need a time out.

So what did they learn?

  • Silver Falls is the crown jewel of the parks but they did not see any of the promised water falls.  Next visit
  • A day doesn’t always go as you planned
  • Drive steady and don’t swerve across wet paint
  • All that car washing Larry did paid off
  • If you see a paint truck, turn around and go the other way

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Parker Ranch and the Cave

February 21, 2017 – Parker Ranch

Please tell us that you know about Parker Ranch.  Don’t look blankly at the screen and go “Parker Ranch?”    Lindsey already  confessed that she never heard of the Parker Ranch.  (Debbie now questions Lindsey’s education).

So in case you too do not know of Parker Ranch, the group will refresh your memory.

Historic Moment:  It began with five cows—brought across the ocean by British Captain George Vancouver in 1788.  Vancouver presented the cows to King Kamehameha I.  The King set his cows free to roam Hawaii Island, and declared them to be kapu (off limits).  Over the next few years, the King’s cows multiplied into thousands.

In 1816, John Palmer Parker, a western advisor to Kamehameha, married royal granddaughter, Kipikane, and was awarded two acres of land for $10. He was given permission to wrangle the maverick cows that had thrived and multiplied, overrunning the range by the thousands.

By 1832, Parker contracted Mexican vaqueros, expert horsemen with plenty of cattle experience.  Called “paniolo” by Hawaiians.   Paniolo is a corruption of español, the language the vaquero spoke. The Hawaiian language does not have the “s” sound.  Get it – take the s out of espanol.  (Debbie had to think hard about this to understand.  They have been staying at a resort called Paniolo.   Who knew?  She thinks that the other three don’t know this and she is going to tell them.  They will be really excited!).
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The beef business boomed and Parker Ranch was born. Over the next century it grew into one of the world’s largest privately-owned cattle ranches.

After the historic Parker Ranch visit, the group decided to go in search of caves on the old Mamalahoa Highway.   They were looking for Cave #3.  (Larry offered to  change the name to “Joyce’s Cave” if we found it).  The area around Parker Ranch is at a higher altitude.  It was misting, cloudy and jacket weather.  The group drove down the road looking for a cave.  (Nothing!).  They continued on until they saw another car pulled off the road.  Larry rolled down the window and asked “Do you know where cave #3 is located?”

“Yes, you passed it.  I will take you there”

So off they drove down the road following the old car in front of them.  As the passed the cave, the car guy slowed and pointed out the window.   The group parked on the road and hiked back to the cave.   Luckily, various people had brought flashlights.  (What a prepared group!).  They did the shotgun approach running off through different branches.  Larry did point out that someone had brought string with them to find track back,  (Debbie started thinking about Hansel and Gretel and how their trail was lost.  She headed back to the entrance and wouldn’t leave the light after that.)  It was an interesting cave but Joyce declined to name it “Joyce’s Cave”.

An Interview

February 20, 2017

Moderator:  What did you enjoy the most about Lindsey’s visit.?

Larry:  We all enjoyed spending time with Lindsey and seeing her.  We also noticed that she has not lost her competitive edge to beat the crap out of her parents.

Debbie:  Yes, we thought that it would be difficult to walk with both parents and keep that edge.  Instead, it just inspired her to race ahead of us  and keep some distance between us and her.  She raced so far ahead that she couldn’t hear our questions anymore.  How amazing is that?

Larry:  We like that Lindsey has time for activities to keep in shape so that she can keep up with the retired people.

Joyce:   Snorkeling with Lindsey reminded me of chasing Erika into the deep blue water.  She swam away from all of us and we lost sight of her.  We all had to rest on the beach while she swam around.

Debbie:   I could have kept up but I lent Lindsey my snorkeling gear.

Joyce:  I thought that she offered you the opportunity to go snorkeling when she got out.

Debbie:   Did I tell you that I took two nine mile hikes in the last two weeks?

Joyce:  Yea, Yea,  I made the hike too and why didn’t you snorkel?.   That is amazing!  I would like to hear more about those hikes later.

Jerry:  I enjoyed my hike with Lindsey when the others couldn’t keep up.  She doesn’t hold me back like others do.
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Debbie:  Whoa ho!  We couldn’t make the hike for medical reasons, time constraints, mud and lack of bathroom facilities.

Larry:  If I remember correctly, you came off that hike about 10 minutes behind Lindsey.

Jerry:  You remember incorrectly.

Moderator:  Lindsey, did you do any special training for this visit?

Lindsey:  No, it was really easy.  I didn’t train at all.   Yes,  I worked out every night in preparation and could still barely keep up.

Moderator:  Lindsey, any additional comments?

Lindsey:  I was thrilled to see everyone.  It was exhausting to keep up with all four of them.  I really struggled.  It was a bit like herding cats but big cats in really good shape.  I will need to step up my training for next year and bring a companion to help me.  I will start preparing the companion for the visit months in advance so that he will have the correct mind frame.

All:  We will be delighted to see Lindsey next year for a longer visit.

Disclaimer:  Warning: No one is exempt from the travel blog.  If you visit, you are in the blog. 

You Did What?

For those of you that don’t know, Debbie has some very active dreams.  She talks and fights in her dreams.  Sometimes, she has been known to fall out of bed.  A couple of days before Lindsey visited Debbie had an incident.  When Debbie’s concierge medical staff (Lindsey) arrived, she noticed Debbie’s injury.

Lindsey:  What happened to your finger?

Debbie:  I fell out of bed on my finger.

Lindsey:  I am sorry.  What did you do?

Debbie:  I fell out of bed on my finger.  Well, actually I jumped out of bed.

Lindsey:  Did you mean to do that?

Debbie:  Well, no

Lindsey:  I don’t want to know.  We won’t discuss what you did.  Can you bend it?

Debbie:  Look – Yes, it is fine – swollen but it bends

Lindsey:  Your finger is crooked

Debbie:  I noticed that but thought it would straighten out

Lindsey:  It is broken

Debbie:  What?  No, no, no, no it is not broken.  You can’t just look at a finger and say it is broken.

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Debbie:  I will concede that it could possibly be broken and will get an X-ray at home.

Lindsey:  Okay, I hope your finger is not crooked for life.

Over the next two days, Debbie stared at her finger a lot and kept wiggling it.  The finger continued to be crooked. The night of the Lava Walk, Larry suggested a finger splint.  Debbie and Larry bought a $6.00 splint at the drugstore which was applied by the medical concierge.  (Note:  Debbie made the lava hike with a splinted finger.  She is so brave.)  By Sunday, Debbie reached the conclusion that perhaps she should get her finger x-rayed in Hawaii so it would not be crooked for life.  After calling around, it was determined that only an emergency room had an x-ray machine. An Er visit was added to the “to do” list but there are not many hospitals on the Big Island.  Debbie armed herself wit the list of hospitals in case they passed one.

After the Pololu Hike (again Debbie was so brave to try to hike with perhaps a broken finger), the group headed for the Kahola Hospital Emergency room mostly because Debbie put it in the GPS and the GPS would not let it go.   They rolled up to the hospital Emergency Room and knocked on the door at 4:00 in the afternoon.  (Imagine a quaint Hawaiian hospital in a TV sitcom shocked to have an emergency).  They let Debbie in and directed her to one of the two er rooms through the hospital hallways.  (The group decided it might be a nursing home/hospital)  Debbie was the only patient in ER.  The rest of her entourage followed and  lined up for the bathroom. (Remember the Pololu hike and no bathrooms?)   Joyce decided to retreat to the car as other patients were quite vocal and freaking her out.  Jerry and Larry sat in chairs for prime examination viewing sort of like an audience.  The concierge sat on the table with Debbie for support.

The admin and nurse took the history and said the doctor would be called in.   (Joyce saw him stroll across the parking lot after being called in).  About 4:30, Dr. Green appeared in his shorts and Hawaiian shirt.  Both the nurse and doctor were quite impressed with Debbie’s crooked finger.  Debbie just held up the finger and no further discussion was needed about what was wrong.  The x-ray tech (also in Hawaiian shirt with a pony tail)  escorted Debbie to x-ray for 3 x-rays (the entourage did not go xray.)  The doctor and patient reviewed the results.  “Broken”.  (Man, that concierge is good).

On the way back from x-ray, Debbie confessed that Lindsey was a concierge and that the doctor would need to answer some questions for Debbie’s entourage.  She asked that he be sure and include the fact that Debbie should not do any more dishes in his medical instructions.   Dr.  Green offered Debbie some free pain med samples which Debbie thought was a nice idea.  After Dr. Green checked with Lindsey,  the meds were cancelled.   (Debbie was sad).  Debbie also declined the $50.00 splint as Dr. Green said that the $6.00 splint was an excellent idea and worked just fine but she could have the more expensive splint if she wanted.  (Les Cheap Girl).

Dr. Green felt bad that he was unable to provide any services other than a CD of the xrays and the diagnosis that the finger was broken.  The doctor did give Debbie a chocolate cupcake since he couldn’t do anything else and thought she was very brave.   Debbie did not feel bad about eating a cupcake in front of everyone although she got chocolate on her splint.  They left the hospital at 5:15.  (Dr. Green forgot to mention the dish thing – Debbie was sad again).

The group found Joyce napping in the car.  In celebration of a successful ER visit and as payment to the concierge, shaved ice for everyone!




Pololu Valley Lookout

Feb 19, 2017 – Hawi, Hawaii

The morning is the best time to visit this picturesque perch overlooking a stretch of sea cliffs. (The group did not believe this and went in the afternoon).  Pololu Valley is located at the end of Highway 270 in North Kohala.  The highway ends at the picturesque lookout for this valley. (Yep, with no parking)  At the top, you can look down on Pololu Valley and a beautiful black sand beach.  It is a 25 minute (if you slide over the edge) hike (steep and muddy hike) to the bottom of the valley and  check out the wonderful scenery and black sand beach.  Bring a picnic to enjoy at the bottom of the valley. (That you would have to hike down carrying).

Jerry ran a tight ship with no bathroom breaks on our 90 minute drive to the valley.  There were no bathrooms anywhere around the valley or overlook upsetting some of our hikers.  The trail is red dirt that can turn to mud if it gets wet.  As you descend, there are switchbacks all the way to the bottom.  It started misting but everyone started down the trail anyway.  Joyce and Debbie hiked a third of the way down until they figured out that they would need to hike back out and up.  Larry hiked a little farther but felt that he needed to escort Joyce and Debbie.  (So he says…. )  Lindsey powered on down the trail followed by Jerry.  (She didn’t even look back at the other three. )

Joyce, Larry and Debbie huffed and puffed their way back to the top to wait.  Larry amused himself by taking pictures of the bottom from the top.  (See sleeping man picture).  Joyce looked at the view and Debbie ran in and out of the trail.  After about a 45 minute wait, Lindsey popped back out at the top not even having the decency to be breathing heavily.  Jerry was no where in sight.  After another 15 minutes more passed, Jerry (breathing heavily) also appeared at the top.
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Lindsey and Jerry told the trio that they should have hiked to the bottom because there were porta-potties, spinner dolphins and whales.

Jerry confessed later that he was keeping up until Lindsey kicked it into high gear and then it was all over.  He also confessed there were no porta-potties, dolphins or whales at the bottom.  (Debbie does not know where Lindsey learned to make stuff up like that. )

Lava Field Redo

February 17, 2017 – Pahoa

Larry and Debbie were so thrilled with their  first visit to the lava flow that they decided to take Lindsey.  (Yes, you are reading this correctly. Another 8 to 9 mile hike.  Joyce and Jerry smartly declined the second visit.)

Early Friday morning, Larry, Debbie and Lindsey left for Volcano National Park. Being the good child, Lindsey chauffeured here parents across the island on Saddle Road.  (Debbie did notice that people kept questioning her navigational skills but was successful in getting to the park.  At one point, someone might have yelled out “I am the navigator.  You can not question the navigator!”)  They visited the park, picnicked and hiked to the lave tube.  (It had already been named so the Engs could not claim itfor Lindsey).  They then headed for their rental to prepare for the lava hike.

This rental was not in the lava fields.  It was down a little street that had not been paved in the last 20 years.  They bounced down the road to the house.  Debbie was thrilled that the owners gave them a box of dark chocolate macadamia nut candy.  Larry and Lindsey suggested that Debbie not eat it all in one sitting.

They drove to the lava field starting point and bypassed all the bicycle rentals.  They started walking around four in the afternoon.  It was really hot and full sun with little wind this time.  Lindsey had her hands full with her parents.  After about 30 minutes, Debbie was whining about no shade and that she was hot.  Larry kept getting rocks in his shoes.    The trio called themselves elite walkers as there were very few walkers and lots of bikers.  (To be honest, Lindsey did not call them elite walkers but she was mistaken).   Debbie saw a 30 year old with a bike talking about turning around because it was too hard. Debbie also saw this lady on a bike that fell down and skinned her knee.  (She should never have been on a bike with a long skirt).  These two ladies made Debbie perk up and perserve.  After about 90 minutes of walking, they arrived at their destination 4.5 miles down the road.

Lindsey and Debbie sat and watched the lava flow waiting for the sunset while Larry took pictures.  There was a rope that kept the crowd away from the area that had “cracks in the earth that might fall into the sea”.  People would crawl over the rope to get a better camera shot.  (Debbie did wonder how the land was only going to fall  away up to the rope.  Regardless, she carefully stayed on her side of the rope and Lindsey graciously stayed with her.  Debbie also felt that people kept invading her personal space and talking about things that they really didn’t know about.  Lindsey told Debbie to stop making faces at them however, Lindsey did take some unflattering pictures of the worst offenders.)

After sunset, the group began their return.  In the dark, they noticed the the lava had broken through the ground and could see the lava flowing to the sea. Lindsey had a very cool flashing red headlight.  (Debbie and Larry had blindingly bright lights but were quite  jealous of Lindsey’s light.)  They kept trying to touch her light.  Lindsey finally told them that she would walk ahead to prepare the way.  ( Perhaps, Lindsey needed some alone time?)  Larry and Debbie happily walked along trying not to get run down by a bicycle following the red blinking light down the road to the car.

Let’s hear Larry’s interpretation of the trip.  “Debbie and I were fortunate enough to hike again to the lava flow when Lindsey came for a visit.  Again, we went for a night viewing.  Our photos could not capture the spectacular view!  The lava is flowing into the ocean through a lava tube and unlike the movie version, not creeping along destroying villages in its path! If you’re interested in seeing more images, Google…Lava flow in Hawaii and Man swims near lava flow in Hawaii. For the Fitbit fans, we were able to log over 30,000 steps / about 15 miles for each of the two lava hike days!”  (He didn’t stand next to the annoying people).

Once they returned to the rental house, they were serenaded to sleep by the coqui frog.  Zoological moment:  The coqui frog, was accidentally introduced into Hawaii from Puerto Rico in about 1988. Aside from being a major noise nuisance, the frogs pose a threat to Hawaii’s island ecosystem.  They are noisy — with choruses hitting 70 to 80 decibels at night, roughly equivalent to a power mower or a kitchen blender  To simulate the sound, put everyone that you know in one room and have them shout “KO KEE” at the top of their voices for 8 hours.

 Luckily, a 9 mile hike allows one to sleep through anything.

Special Guest

February 16, 2017 – Kona

Most of the group rested during the day in anticipation of the arrival of our special guest, Lindsey.  The group knew that they would need to rest to try to keep up with her.

Lindsey was greeted at the airport with a traditional lei even though she was an hour late. (Our greeters are very professional.  There are some pictures of people wearing the lei but those are just to see if the lei fits).  Cultural Moment:  In Hawaiian tradition, a lei is a symbol of hospitality, love, respect, and aloha.  Larry, Joyce, and Debbie were the greeting committee.  (Jerry stayed at the condo in anticipation and rested up some more).

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After arriving at the condo and eating dinner, Lindsey went to bed at 8:30.  She couldn’t keep up with Larry, Jerry, Joyce and Debbie.