Debbie decided that it was time to make hikes more interesting and purposeful. Of course, she decided to do this without really understanding what she was doing or consulting the others. Debbie introduces Geocaching. Geocaching, for those not up to speed, is in simple terms, a treasure hunt. People have left hidden containers all over the place. You will be surprised how many are around you. There are rules that one is supposed to abide by which Debbie didn’t really get. Ever read Harry Potter with a discussion about the muggles? Well, there you go.
Off we go for the hike around the resort. Debbie announces that the group needs to go across the stream and through the trees to geocache. In her defense, there was somewhat of a path. Occasionally, her phone hoots like an owl. Eventually, the entire group is looking but they strike out mostly, because they don’t understand what they are looking to find. Strike One.
Our second attempt is at a Salmon Hatchery – Uh, no fish but the other members are now doubting Debbie and starting the yell things like “Leaves of Three! Leaves of Three!” Debbie finds this a bit distracting and feels it is not supportive. She has now learned that the owl hooting sound is her phone which means that you are 10 feet away. The leaves of three chant and some itching indicators convince her to throw in the towel. Strike two!
The third attempt is at the Coombs country market where goats are on the sod roof. It is a great store with many imported foods. Before long Debbie, Gerry and Larry are out by the trash can looking for the cache. There is a rumor that Debbie might have accidentally touched a rat trip. Debbie denies but is obsessively washing her hands. Once again – Strike Three.
While unsuccessful geocaching, there are several wonderful hikes on Vancouver Island. The hikes are awesome because they are in the shade and cool. We hike Englishman River Falls and Little Qualicom Falls. We visit a salmon hatchery that is not yet open for the season but do see some salmon waiting for the signal to swim upstream. We visit Cathedral trail with 800 year old trees.
After 3 days of searching on a visit to Qualicom Beach with people shouting “Leaves of three” they make their first find. Larry actually made the find and is hooked.
When venturing into new technology, I have found that its best to ask a tot.