Oregon Trail?

We know that you were concerned as we last left Debbie and Larry in Hawaii.  Debbie had a broken finger which must have impacted her ability to continue the blogs.  They did make it home and in May visited Lindsey.

This was Larry’s first trip to Oregon.  On the airplane, Debbie and Larry always end up in a full row with one of them in the middle.  Debbie says Larry assures her that he will sit in the middle but after seeing the window seat passenger sometimes suggests that Debbie sit in the middle causing Larry to receive the stink eye.    This time, Larry and Debbie came up with a plan to each sit in their own row.  Larry is happy to say that he was successful on both airline legs with only two people in his row.  Debbie can’t say the same.  We can’t tell you the secret plan or it will spread throughout the airline industry and then Debbie will be in the middle again giving strangers the stink eye.

They were picked up at the Eugene airport by Lindsey, Aaron and Leo.  The take away for the first day was that  Oregon has beautiful flowers, wonderful weather and Chinese food for dinner!

The next day, Aaron left for work while Lindsey prepared to take her parents for their introductory hike.  The objective was to hike to Blue Pool.  Cultural Moment:  Blue Pool also known as Tamolitch Pool is where the McKenzie River seeps to the surface through underground lava fields.

It is described as a gentle 2 mile hike to the pool. It was not such a gentle hike for Larry and Debbie.  They are not the same class of hiker as Lindsey.  They spent much of the trail looking at the back of Lindsey.  Debbie sometime lost sight of Lindsey. (Maybe because she was sitting  and rocking back and forth on the ground. )  Larry fared a bit better for a while.  He was prancing around at the front, darting through the mud.  Did we mention that the trail was muddy?  About half way down the trail as Debbie was catching up again, she came upon Larry standing in a ditch with Lindsey at the top.  Debbie thought “Why is Larry standing in a ditch?   Why did he climb down the ditch?  Is he looking for an animal?  Was he wondering where Debbie was?”  No, it was none of those.  Then Debbie noticed mud on Larry’s pants and Debbie knew.  She knew that Larry would never voluntarily get mud on his pants and there was blood on the trail.

Luckily, Debbie was able to sit down and immediately go into reporter mode.

Debbie:  Lindsey, what did you think when you saw Larry falling?

Lindsey:  It was a slow fall so I thought it would be okay to let him fall.  He needs a walking stick which I told him to bring.    This whole parent hiking thing is turning out to be more difficult than I thought.

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Larry:  Well I wouldn’t call it a plunge.  My feet were wet and I slipped on a rock. I am glad that I fell backwards instead of forward. This is the first blood drawn on any of our hiking trips.

Debbie:  Debbie, what did you think?

Debbie:  I think this is a fabulous blog and have missed reading it.  I missed everything but the good news is that I can share my walking sticks so that I don’t have to carry them both.    Let’s keep walking because I have a snack that I want to eat.

Lindsey gathered up her group and hustled them down the trail to the Blue Pool.  It is a beautiful place with a wonderful view and it is blue.  Larry and Debbie declined the 70 foot drop into a 30 feet deep 33 degree pool of water.  It is rumored that Aaron has been in the pool before but not confirmed that he has jumped off the cliffs.  Debbie says that she has jumped off cliffs before but knows that you should not swim after you eat.  Remember that she had a snack.

After a rest, the three and Leo headed back to the parking lot.  They went to picnic at Clear Lake for lunch.  Cultural Moment:  Clear Lake is a mountain lake 86 mi northeast of Eugene, Oregon, United States in Linn County. It has two main bodies connected by a bottleneck. The lake is primarily fed by snow runoff from nearby Mount Washington and the surrounding areas.  Most of all the lake is clear.  It is nothing like the brown Clear Lake in Houston.  The final nature stop for the day was Sahalie Falls.

Larry and Debbie might have snoozed on the way back to the house.  Luckily, there were no pictures of the snoozing.  They were rewarded that night with ice cream.  Debbie says the scratch on Larry’s leg still does not trump a broken finger.

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