Our Paris Flat

The great thing about renting a Paris flat is that you get to live like a true Parisian. However, it sometimes has drawbacks. It is not always what you expect. We rented a two bedroom two bath flat that sleeps eight people.

The Labors of Hercules:  Getting into the flat is similar to the labors (Trials) of Hercules.   The first hurdle is to find the door from the street. There are two big double doors that are street-level but businesses surround the entry door. For example, we have a motorcycle shop next to the double doors. Once you find the door then you have to open with the code.  (We do know the code!).  We just had a problem getting out the door the first morning.  There were three people desperately pulling on every lever on the door until a resident and his son took pity on them.  (No doubt, the son had a good story to tell at school about the dumb tourists).  Once you get inside the courtyard, the next labor is to open the apartment building door unlocked by another code.   Debbie insists on counting the external circular stairs as a labor since she climbed it with a 38.5 pound suitcase.  (There are no elevators). She almost tipped over  threatening to take down three others with a domino effect.  Jerry grabbed the suitcase to change her momentum from down to up and save the tourist domino.  The final piece is to get the key inserted and open the door.  Voilà!  You are now in the apartment and your Herculean Labors are complete.

Bathrooms – The two bathrooms are not as expected.  Two bathrooms in the US would be two rooms.  Right?  The bathrooms are spread out over four rooms.  Two  rooms devoted to toilets that are claustrophobic rooms.  When you sit down on the toilets, it is possible to have one’s knees touch the door. The room containing one of the showers is located next to the downstairs toilet where the monster washer/dryer resides. The other is upstairs next to the kitchen.  The most interesting shower is the one in the corner of Jerry and Joyce’s bedroom.  (See the pictures). Everyone has declined to use that shower.  They think it is just too weird to step out of bed and directly into the shower.  The others have pointed out to Jerry and Joyce that they could save time by laying in bed while the shower warmed up and just rolling straight into the shower.  Joyce has stated that it is too much like sleeping in a bathroom.  Instead, they have converted it into an additional closet.  Debbie and Larry have asked if they can store things in the new closet instead of their bookcases/dressers.

Circular Stairs of Death –  The flat has a wonderful upstairs.  A large open room combining the kitchen, dining room and TV room.  However to reach the room, you must climb the circular stairs of death.  Debbie has taken some stunning shots of Larry and her feet as a visual point of reference (Not to be confused with a bad photographer that forgot to move her feet.)  The stairs are climbed similar to a ladder.  One holds on with both  hands climbing up with the hope that no one has tracked in any mud.  Going down, one tightly holds (hugs) the center pole in case one slips with the belief that one won’t go tumbling down the steps.  (Children of travelers, you should be packing an emergency bag in case you have to come get them when they break a leg.  The unhurt spouse has decided to continue with the trip and it would be easier if you came and got the one with the broken leg.  They may be difficult as they will be mad about going home early.)

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Although there are some differences from what we expect, the experience of living like a Parisian and the extra space is well worth it.  Oui?


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