
Everyone felt that they were beginning to fit into the French culture.  (The French did not) and decided to go back to Moufftard Market for some leisurely shopping.  It was also the last day of the Metro Pass  and Les Cheap Girls (Our readers have helped get the correct tense) wanted to get full value.  Off they went with clear weather to the Metro.  When they came up from the underground Metro, it was raining.   So much for leisurely shopping.

Greg, ever on the search for a good restaurant, chose Cave La Bourgogne.  The food was fantastic waiters  understood everything that the group said (must be that fitting into the French culture).  Debbie went our of her comfort zone and ordered a cassoulet.  (She pretended that this was a casserole  – remember that she makes things up).  Greg and Don  jumped on the cassoulet bandwagon while Joyce and Jerry, ever adventurous, tried the duck.  Larry decided he needed to cut back and ordered a salad.  The food was great and the service even better.   Greg, our resident food critic, agreed with the thumbs up.

By the time lunch was over, the rain had let up some.  We watched couples dancing in the street to an accordion.  We are not kidding.  Debbie said that she and Larry could take this up as a new hobby.  Larry said that he is not sure that he has the wardrobe for it.  The others refused to comment.

The next stop was the Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle (Museum of Natural History).  The wandered through a park, Jardin des Plantes, searching for the building. It was still lightly raining.  Please note that Larry used his hat for the rain but the other two hat guys forgot to bring their hats.  Larry seems to be the more advanced hat guy of the Les Hat Guys.

The group searched the park identifying many buildings as possibilities (wrong, wrong and wrong) until they found the correct building.  A special talent of the group is to come in the back way to any location.  Upon entering the museum, they gave the guards fits as they would not queue correctly.  (Who would have thought the French would have been so sensitive?)  After they finally queued up correctly, they noticed that all the information employees had left and that there were no English translations.  Debbie suspected that once the queuing incident occurred that they hid because it was fully staffed when the group exited. (They tried to make up by waving at everyone when we left but we know).
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The museum was nice but all in French with no translations. (They felt certain the information desk had the information if they would just come out of hiding).  Joyce had to explain to Debbie that it kept getting light then dark to replicate day to night. Debbie was concerned that the lights were going out.  Take a look at some of the pictures – it is definitely off the beaten track.  You can also visit the zoo nearby for 21 Euro per person.  Les Cheap Girls almost fainted seeing the zoo ticket price.

The rain had stopped after the visit.  The group stopped at the bakery on the walk back to console themselves with baked good for the last weekly pass Metro ride.  Then, the farewell ride.

Debbie awards herself the adventure award. (She knows that Greg and Don ate the same thing but disqualified Greg because he eats strange things all the time and Don rode home with stinky cheese that he kept asking “Does anyone smell something?” (If you can’t figure out the cheese that you are carrying smells, you can’t be awarded the Adventure Award for the day.  Tough luck Don.)

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