It suddenly became apparent to Debbie why the “Road to the Sun” is called the Road to the Sun. After driving through fog, rain, clouds, and passing over the Continental Divide, the sun bursts through and the weather is calmer. It truly is a winding, scary, (in my opinion since I used to get in the bottom of the car when we went over a bridge) road to the sun. No one else in the car seems to be upset.
After arriving at Logan’s Pass, we decided to take the Hidden Falls hike above the ranger’s station. It is deceiving and looks easy with a nice gentle boardwalk. It is raining and Debbie is breaking in her new hat and has discovered her scarf. She is feeling somewhat European. She has also snuck her gloves into her coat pocket. To top it off, she has new walking sticks. Okay, she can’t really set the height but Larry assists on request. He feels that he only needs one stick.
After about 10 minutes, Debbie has said the heck with it and put the gloves on. After about 10 more minutes, she notices that the boardwalk is not really so nice and are switchbacks that higher and steeper. Hey, it is not nice to make people step up double step in one step. It is also starting to get hot and no stinking falls yet. Another few minutes and the gloves are off followed by the jacket. The scarf is maintained as a fashion statement but eventually it also comes off. Did you know that switchbacks on boardwalks can make you breathe heavy and have to lean over to catch your breath?
In order to give Debbie and Joyce time to come to grips with breathing, Larry and Gerry make an unauthorized off roading (trail) side trip. They scramble up the side of the mountain for a better view of the glacier. Another family is ready to take off after them until the teenage son points out to the Dad that the sign says stay on the path. The Dad is disappointed but has to set an example. Debbie and Joyce point out that we couldn’t see the sign. Debbie then moves further away from the troublemakers in case there is a ranger hanging around.
We continue on with Debbie shedding clothes including the fashion scarf until the Hidden Falls come into view. As soon as Debbie finds the Hidden Falls, she begins the retreat. Going down those walks are much easier than going up and Debbie drinks 1 bottle of water on the way back followed by two glasses of water.