2018-09-28 Detained

Today, the group had an appointment with Parliament.  Educational Moment:  This is Debbie’s interpretation.  When Scotland became a part of the United Kingdom a long time ago, Scotland became part of the United Kingdom’s parliament.  In 1997, they devolved and created a Parliament in Scotland.  The group leaned what devolved meant in their tour.

So, how does it work?  The Scottish Parliament at Holyrood can pass laws on devolved matters – in general, those affecting most aspects of day-to-day life in Scotland. The UK Parliament at Westminster can pass laws on reserved matters – in general, those with a UK-wide or international.

Joyce had the group there early for a tour.  Going into Parliament meant that the tourist had to go through a security check.  Below is an exert of what the group now refers to as the “Detainment Incident”.

Security:  Sir, we need you to step out of line.

Larry:  Uh-oh.  Whispers to Debbie “I think that I have my pocketknife”.  The other three turn away.

Security:  “Sir, we have to call the Police over to talk to you.”

Larry:  “No problem, no problem” (Yes, Larry problem).

Police officer: “Show me how it works”

Larry:  Yes sir. You push this button and blah, blah, blah

Joyce:  That is a big looking knife.  He will never get away.

Police Officer:  “Do you need it for fishing?  You see it is against the law in Scotland to have a knife like this unless you need it for something like fishing.”

Larry: ” No, I don’t fish. ”  Debbie thinks Larry, he just opened the door for you and you slammed it shut.

Police Officer:  “What about camping?  Do you need it for camping.?”

Suddenly, Larry looks like the light-bulb came on.  Larry said “No, I don’t camp but I need it to open my medicine”.

The Police Officer has a stunned look as he says  to Larry. “Sir, do you want to give me the knife”.

Larry:  “Yes, I want to give the knife to you badly so so badly.:

Police Officer:  I am going to have you fill out a form that says you gave the knife up to me and you will be in the database.

Larry:  Yes, sir.  It is spelled J E R R Y  W E R K I N G  and I live in Virginia.  (Not really – he gave his real name).

After all the excitement, Larry was cleared and the tour began.   The group took a tour with their guide, Tom, and they could understand what he said.   (This is more important than you may realize.  Debbie secretly listens to people to see if she can understand them.  It is about a 50 percent now).  The new Parliament building has lots of symbolic items that are not defined because the architect died before he told anyone what they meant.  So people just make up stuff about the symbols.  Today was Tom’s last day for tours.  How exciting to have a detained law breaker on the last tour.

Next, they went to Holyrood Palace.  Cultural Moment;  The Palace of Holyrood,  is the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland, Queen Elizabeth II.  You can’t take pictures inside but the Royal family was really happy to see them.  The four walked around the ruins outside Hollyrood and took lots of pictures.  They also walked around the gardens where the queen has her annual garden party but no one asked if they wanted any drinks.

They had an exciting trip home.  They rode the bus home on the top of a double decker.  Larry had the front seat on the top of the bus.  An Edinburgh local, let’s call him Mac, looking like his girlfriend had just thrown him out with a suitcase, garbage bag and a duffel bag moved up to the top where there were no seats.  Mac got so excited when Larry got up to get off the bus that Mac dragged all his assorted luggage to block the aisle trapping Debbie and Jerry on the bus as Joyce and Larry exited.  Joyce stood on the sidewalk yelling “Get off the Bus!  Get off the Bus now!”  Luckily, the driver intervened and allowed them to get off the bus.

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