Who wouldn’t expect a rainbow in Ireland? Lucky Charms? Leprechaun? They began with a rainbow on the way to see the “Burren”. Joyce liked the cows so a picture of one of her friends is included in the blog. The rest of the party was not as enthused as Joyce about the cows. Debbie felt that the cow was eyeing her central console spot and needed to step away.
What is burren? General Facts: (Stuff you can bring up at parties and impress people): The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word “Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. (Look at the pictures, they were not kidding). This is an extremely appropriate name when you consider the lack of soil cover and the extent of exposed Limestone Pavement. It has been said “that it is an area where there is not water enough to drown a man, wood enough to hang one, nor earth enough to bury them. This last is so scarce that the inhabitants steal it from one another and yet their cattle are very fat. The grass grows in tufts of earth of two or three foot square which lies between the limestone rocks and is very sweet and nourishing.”
So basically, the group walked around these rocks in the rain at the first stop. Plus there were these rock structures that were really old but the group wasn’t sure what they were. Here’s another word – Grikes – cracks in the limestone. Work that in a conversation.
The group left the old stuff area and went to a different area with several different hiking trails. The trails were color coded. If not for the markings, you couldn’t tell it was a trail.
Debbie says if she was making a movie this would be the areas where the zombies come out of the mist. It was a strange area.
Some of the tour buses went to the Burren but it is not the #1 attraction in Ireland. Debbie is pretty sure it is not even in the top 10 unless you like limestone rocks.
What? A rainbow in Ireland Room for me in that car? Old Stuff More Old stuff Grikes Don’t build any more old stuff Hike through this Killinaboy Church Art shot Many rock trails What a hiker…. Debbie dressed to blend in Larry not so much It is hard to tell that you are climbing How did he climb up there? Who is leading and which way do we go? Yep, this is a trail or at least the hikers thought it was. Lost? Tiny Person – Jerry? Views along the roadside Art shot again Roadside views What a cow pasture