Dubrovnik’s nickname is “Pearl of the Adriatic”. The single best attraction is the city walls that protect the city. Cultural Moment: The wall was originally started in the 7th century and later fortified in the 14th century. The walk on the wall is about 1.25 miles. One pays a fee and goes up the stairs to the top of the wall. It is a one way walk. The best time to walk is early morning (Charlie) or late afternoon. The worst time is around noon. Larry, Dan and Debbie started the walk at 11:30. They wanted the full cruise ship experience. Luckily, it was overcast for most of the walk. They saw gorgeous views, blue skies, and lots of people. After an hour and a half, the group finished the the wall.
Debbie and Charlie went shopping while Dan and Larry went to the funicular. Too much wind for the funicular. Dan and Larry did have some excitement when Dan decided to touch the water. As Dan was touching the water, it touched him in a big way. A wave soaked Dan. After recovering from the drenching, Larry and Dan assisted Debbie with locking their clothes tightly into the washing machine. (Debbie would have had to leave all the clothes in Dubrovnik).
Larry and Debbie are staying here at the top of the hill. Yes, I am Larry Eng standing by a bunch of flowers This is the way to the bottom View from the wall Art shot from the wall Red Roofs of Dubrovik Dan, king of the wall No, I am the king of the wall Dubrovnik What is this? It is a washing machine! Ice cream can be tricky.
I like the pants on the wall. So you never got your clothes out?!?
We did get our clothes out but it was somewhat stressful. They were very wet and we had to wring them out. We were afraid to put them in the washer again.
I notice that you only shared pics of the washer. Based on the Art Shot showing pants hanging on the wall, I am assuming there was not a dryer? I discovered this in France. The dryer is outside the window. I like the pics from the wall. But why did it take 1-1/2 hours to walk the 1.25 miles? Because of all the pretty pics? BTW, in case you need to know, the Astros have advanced in the American League championships, will play the Yankees starting on Saturday. I am sure you are keeping up during your travels.
Thanks for the Astro update. We took 1.5 hours because we spent time dodging the tourists, taking selfies, and taking pictures.