What is the Book of Kells? The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatory texts and tables. The book is located at Trinity College.
Luckily, the Hard Hitting Reporter was also at Trinity College that day along with every other tourist in the city.
HHR: What did you all think of the “Book of Kells”?
Jerry: Well, it is the number one tourist attraction in Dublin. I especially liked that you stood in line outside in the rain. I think someone needs to help Debbie understand that a tilted umbrella lets water run off in one direction where some people might be standing.
Debbie: But it was good that someone had prebought tickets, Right? So we could go stand under cover until our time slot. Right? Right?
Joyce: Okay, yes buying tickets was a good idea. Did you know that if you knew a Trinity student that you could get in for free? We could have saved money by accosting students and asking them to take us in.
Debbie: I really don’t want to discuss this. Let’s all just agree it is a good idea.
Larry: I had my cool rain hat so felt good about standing in the rain.
HHR: What did you think about the exhibit?
Jerry: There were a lot of people in a very small space.
Joyce: The illuminations were spectacular. It is a good thing that they had enlarged pictures of the illuminations because you can’t get close to them.
Debbie: Those people were in my personal space. Some of them somewhat laid on the cases covering up the books and wouldn’t move. I was annoyed. I had to give out a lot of stink eyes.
Jerry: After we got out of the huge crowds of people bumping and surrounding us, we went into Trinity’s library.
Debbie: All those people have made me rethink my desire to be a rock star. I can’t handle all those people standing so close.
Larry: Someone took my cool hat. People steal hats in Europe. I was very sad. I don’t want to be a rock star either.
Debbie: We were all very sad that Larry’s hat disappeared.
HHR: What did you do next?
Joyce: We went to Dublin Castle and took a tour to get Larry’s mind off the hat.
HHR: What is on the tour?
Larry: The tour included an excavation site of Vikings, the Gothic Chapel Royal and finally the former viceregal State Apartments.
Debbie: I got to stand where Theresa May stands and picked out a place to sit at the dining table.
Larry: Who is Theresa May? I am still depressed about my hat . I wanted a shawarma to console myself so the group found a place for us to eat lunch.
HHR: Did you go home next?
Debbie: No, we walked around the National Museum of Ireland.
Larry: We got lost on our way home. It made people sad.
Debbie: I prefer to think of it as getting extra steps. I wasn’t sad. I wanted to walk all those extra steps.
Art Shot Book of Kells – This will get you touched a lot Another Book of Kells Trinity Library Trinity library stairs Dublin Castle The Royal apartments Viking Stuff The Royal Chapel Dinner Tonight? Debbie thinks this is her seat Is this the way to the Royal apartments, because I am royal. Let me showyou how to take a picture of the ceiling Royal Chapel Another view of the chapel The Chapel The group’s seat for chapel Our lunch I am so sad about my hat Larry puts on a brave face Just to prove that we went to the Natural Science Museum Larry wanted one of these Sick & Indigent RoomKeepers