Debbie and Larry spent their day on Lufthansa on the way to Frankfurt. (Debbie can’t spell Lufthansa and stumbles over the pronunciation. ) Learning Moment: The name of the company is derived from Luft (the German word for “air”), and Hansa (a Latin term meaning “guild” most commonly used historically in reference to the Hanseatic League). Maybe Debbie can remember it now.
Lufthansa (LH) has gone high tech and green. LH said that the passengers were going to do something fun and exciting. LH had passengers line up to look at a camera to open the gate to board. It is biometric. Your face became the boarding pass. Debbie is not sure how she feels about her face being a boarding pass. It really wasn’t that fun but she did beat Larry opening her gate.
One of LH’s green ideas is to reuse plastic cups. Debbie had some issues with this and knocked her cups on the floor along with Larry’s cups more than twice. Debbie had read some research and feels that the floor of the plane is not very sanitary. She also felt that a marker could be used to write the names on cups to help figure out whose cup was on the floor.
Here’s a traveler trip. Why do passengers wear masks on the plane? It intimidates the other passengers. You can’t figure out who is sick. The passenger or everyone else? Maybe draw happy faces on the masks or write “these are just a precaution”. Put those markers to use.
Another traveler tip. Know that a green toilet sign means a toilet is empty and you can walk past people standing in line to use it. Debbie invoked this rule and is sorry that Larry was unaware of the rule.
Traveler tip: Eggs should not be topped with a tomato and spinach ever. (Debbie Rule).
Traveler tip: Your fellow passenger doesn’t like it if you put their headphones in their seat and then they sit on them. They may try to give you a stink eye.
Larry worked on his stink eye this trip but was not very successful with it. Debbie suggested that his time might be more wisely spent sending some of her traveler tips into LH to go along with their green / high tech program. (The service was pretty good but it could be even better with those tips.)
Pasta with spinach for dinner Does that spinach and roll look familiar?