As often happens on our trips, we began with a parking issue. A big orange ticket on windshield telling us we parked in the wrong place. We dispute this.
Today was the first exploration day. We took the Mesa Falls Scenic Byway in Idaho. Cultural Moment: A scenic drive that includes the Lower Mesa Falls which is created by the Snake River squeezing through a gorge with a 65 foot drop over a cliff. The Upper Mesa Falls plunges 114 feet. We went to the Upper Mesa Falls and saw the Lower from afar.
First animal sighting raising the question “Do Bears eat Cows?’ Internet answer is it could happen. A grizzle’s favorite food is insects. We saw many cows today.
In the afternoon, we went to Big Springs and Johnny Sack’s cabin. Cultural Moment: Producing over 120 million gallons of water each day, Big Springs is a National Landmark, it is one of the 40 largest natural spring in the world. Cultural Moment: (Debbie’s summary) -Johnny Sack rented land and hand built a cabin and furniture. It is also on the National Register of historic places.
We finished the day by watching a cattle drive. Joyce asked what they were doing. Response from the cowboy: ” Riding a horse”.
Once the day was completed, Larry and Jerry were permanently assigned Bear Spray duty. They both practiced drawing from their bear holsters. (Debbie did go into another room from the practicing). There was much discussion about bear defense. Here are some highlights:
Larry: Make sure the wind is behind you. Larry’s plan if standing downwind? Ask bear to please step on the other side.
Jerry: You have 3 seconds to react if charging so don’t keep bear spray in your back pack
Joyce: Depress when 40 feet away when spray only goes 30 feet.
Debbie: It could go off in the car so cover it with a towel. (I don’t think they are doing this).
Traveler trip of the day: Gas in Wyoming is $1.00 cheaper per gallon than in Idaho
Does this look like a walkway? I think not -
First Wild Life Sighting – Cow -
Upper Mesa Falls -
Joyce makes a friend -
Art Shot with Rainbox -
Little Mesa Falls -
Inside Johnny’s house -
Welcome to Johnny’s house