Here we sit in the Bozeman airport trying to change our rental car. Our original rental has 59,000 miles, comes from Florida has been giving us some issues. There is the suspicion that the car does not like us.
It is a 4 hour drive to St. Mary’s which is located outside the eastern gate of Glacier National Park. Since today is mainly a transition day, we have arranged for the Hard Hitting Reporter (HHR) to ask some questions.
HHR: First let me say that no one told me about this vacation. Let’s start out with an easy question to get you back in the swing of working with a real reporter.
Debbie: I told you that we should not have invited her.
HHR: I am going to treat this as an antagonistic interview. I have seen several pictures of desserts on this trip. Tell me what has been your favorite dessert on this trip?
Larry: The land of deliciousness – the blizzard
Joyce: Blizzard
Jerry: Blizzard
Debbie: Blizzard but I got a small not a medium size.
HHR: Debbie, not that I doubt you but is it true that you carry around a large bag of peanut better M&Ms in your backpack even on hikes? Doesn’t that indicate favoritism toward the M&M?
Debbie: Well, yes I do but that is not a dessert. They are little balls of power. You can’t carry a blizzard on a hike. Who has been telling you about the M&Ms? Joyce? Jerry? I know it is not Larry because he is always asking for some M&Ms.
HHR: What has been your favorite thing about the trip thus far?
Joyce: I’ll go first. It is so lovely to have the HHR back. My favorite thing was the geysers. I loved having a seat and nice view.
Jerry: I liked the buffalo.
Larry: I liked the geometric features Yellowstone.
Debbie: I liked the colorful hot pools and of course the mud pits.
HHR: Debbie, you do strike me as someone that would like the mud pits. What was your least favorite thing?
Joyce: Bradley Lake. It was a lot of walking for a view through the trees.
Larry: Dust on the trail.
Jerry: Some of the porta pottys were less than desirable.
Debbie: Some of our fellow tourists would fail my good tourist test.
HHR: I know that you have hiked a lot. What has been your most difficult hike?
Joyce: It was a hike in Norway in 2019.
Debbie: Jerry, Larry and I all agree it was the hike in Norway in 2018. Joyce wasn’t there. Click here to read about that hike (Pulpit Rock) on 09/13. HHR, I think that we have answered enough questions today.
We ended the day at the Red Eagle Lodge. We discovered that all the restaurants that were still open for the season opened to a crowd at 4 P.M.
Farewell to the Florida Van Is Larry sleeping or reading about the next hike? Red Eagle Lodge