Hard Hitting Reporter (HHR) here. I understand that Joyce had scheduled a difficult hike to make up for the two days off. Let’s follow up.
HHR: What was the hike?
Joyce: It was the Avalanche Hike. This area of Glacier National Park was named by an exploration team in 1895. The exploration group saw and heard multiple avalanches roaring down the surrounding mountains, and agreed “that Avalanche Basin would be a most appropriate name for the place”. Everyone is quite excited.
HHR: Did you hear or see in Avalanches?
Jerry: No, we did not see any avalanches but we started off super early when it was still dark so we could get a parking place.
HHR: Was parking difficult?
Joyce: Yes, we got a place but had to whip in front of other cars and Debbie gave out some stink eyes.
Larry: We started out on an easy Trail of Cedars which has a boardwalk.
Debbie: At first, we frolicked along the boardwalk which was easy. It was nice and shady but then the boardwalk ended.
Joyce: Don’t forget the issue where all the bathrooms were closed for the season. Debbie was really giving out stink eyes then.
Debbie: To continue, the trail left the boardwalk and we began to climb.
HHR: Debbie did you fall again?
Debbie: No, I told you it was a one time thing. Why don’t you ask the others? There was mud on the trail and they had super big roots and rocks on the trail trying to grab me. I didn’t have any problems.
Larry: Let me step in here and say that no one fell. There were a lot of people on the trail. Sometimes too many and they scared off any bears with all the noise. They were loud talkers. We are not fans of loud talkers.
Jerry: Some people were running on the trail. We though that they were showing off.
Larry: We saw people carrying axes and shovels down the trail. They passed us going down the trail at a fast clip.
Joyce: I asked where they were going and they said that they were going to dig a pit toilet.
Jerry: I guess they saw the toilets were closed down the trail and were going to dig a new one.
Debbie: Larry was a little upset that an older man stopped him and said that he was really glad to see someone older like Larry on the trail.
Larry: I am sure that he meant someone in such excellent shape.
Debbie: No, he said a senior like you.
HHR: Let me cut in here and ask what you did to celebrate your successful hike?
Joyce: Well, we went to the Lake McDonald Lodge to picnic and then home to eat hot fudge sundaes.
Debbie: Wait, you had hot fudge sundaes?
Jerry: I think you were napping
Debbie: If I was napping it was because, we left so early. We hiked over 7 miles. and I was tired.
Trail Signs -
Avalanche Creek -
Larry Eng, Professional -
The path -
Debbie’s kryptonite -
Log jam? -
Avalanche Lake -
What does he mean “I’m a senior?” -
Another view -
That sign says “Stay on the path”. Hey mister, you are off the path – stand closer to the sign -
Debbie touched this water -
Larry, look above -
McDonald Lodge -
Debbie wants the lights