Since yesterday was dentist day for Debbie and Larry today was catch up day in Florence. Joyce sent them off with a list of things to see and a place to meet up. It was quite daring to send them off alone. Debbie often forgot her backup battery and her phone died. Larry had no idea where he was nor how to navigate. They made their way perhaps not the most scenic but they did make it to the Duomo Baptistry which is known for it’s doors and the outside of the Duomo (It was closed to the public).
Lunch was Asian (modern style) somewhat confusing to the crew. The tradition of eating Chinese food every single trip they take was met and could be checked off the list.
The afternoon was a 2.5 hour free English tour of the Basilica di Santa Croce (Italian for ‘Basilica of the Holy Cross’). It is the principal Franciscan church of Florence, Italy. It is the burial place of some of the most notable Italians, such as Michelangelo, Galileo and Machiavelli. Our tour guide, Dan, told lots of interesting stories and usually ended with a “believe or not you be the judge” statement after each story..
One story that Dan told was about Michelangelo. History Moment: When Michelangelo died in Rome in February, 1564, he was initially laid to rest in Rome. Florence wanted him buried in his home town and to honor him with a state funeral and a proper tomb in Florence. Michelangelo’s nephew and heir, was assigned the task of ‘stealing’ the corpse. He had it sent secretly in a bale of hay, disguising it as a piece of merchandise. His tomb is in the church.
Dan also told the story of the Pazzi conspiracy. There was also a room with perfect acoustics that made everyone want to secretly try it out but it wasn’t a secret when you tried it out because everyone heard you trying to sing in the perfect room.
Yes, friends that was a 2.5 hour tour in case you missed the length.